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Simulation Vs. Storytelling
Having put my own thoughts into this and reflected a bit on myself, I think I can very safely say that I am heavily leaning to the Immersive/actor side. Its how I enjoy things the most. The less OOC discussion about something was had, the more memorable these things were to me, as they hit me as more "true". Kept me on my toes guessing, and I enjoy that. Maybe too much.

I know for example when I played the Jack of Spades for your group, I lacked any real connection for the group. It was a fun thing to do by the by, but I never felt immersed beyond that in the character. He was just a side character written for the Story, but I never felt compelled to flesh him out beyond his "all for the king"-mentality, by the nature of how the game works and I ultimately knew "He is probably dead next week!" I know the same would happen if I decided to make a new Character for your and Porukus Slum gang, instead of letting it naturally flow. It helps me get into the character and feel more immersed, feel the reasoning behind their actions and act upon them without feeling like working of a script.

Then when I played Isleifer who was MEANT to be dead next week, by pissing as many people off as possible, people actually started to like him, and I had to actually think him through a little bit more. But I enjoyed that because he made actually real connections with people all naturally and organic. Thats the reason why I RP as an Hobby, cause I do NOT know whats going to happen, usually. 

Thats why to me, personally atleast and no offense to anyone really for it...But I stopped enjoying RPing in Korvara a while ago, where it made this shift to a more storytelling narrative. It was great early on, but now it feels all mechanical and scripted same as it felt like in G6, once the eventmins there controlled everything that happend in the world, it feels like the same is happening in Korvara now, and most people aren't even there anymore and just waiting till they can join an event announced in Discord, and after most of them are not even "Meetable" in the world. And I sorta understand this too, cause events are the "Most meaningful" things you can do currently. They are fun to get together with people and just do your things in a low stakes environment (I think I dislike generally low stakes, as they make me not feel any threat in the world and everyone starts taking serious things very lightly cause they know OOCly "I can't die no matter how stupid I am, unless I want to". Gives the game a lighthearted vibe, and I am definitely a grimdark story person. I Know not everyone does it, but 1 person in 10 is enough to sour the overall taste to me.)
My favorite examples of a Plot feeling lowstakes to me were the War/Frozen Tunrdra crisis. 
The War barely had any negative effects.
And when the Tundra crisis said all our fish are gone and stuff, we didn't have like a hunger crisis ICly, or it was meant to not have any meaningful impacts. I know I asked Salsa about it and he basically said "Nah, its chill, you are good and once the spirit is gone everything is back to normal no consequences." This literally made me instantly lose all interest in the plotline.
Or when Duyuei decided to ICly not longer trade with Meiaquar, even though they lorewise pretty much rely on it, and it had no negative consequnces... I wish things would matter more in the world and we would have more graspable concepts, so people are on the same page on things. Its just awkward when one side RPs it as a crisis and the other is like "We not feeling anything, so nothing happening!". It really breaks immersion. I know not everyone likes consequences... But come on. There are no good stories without any sort of strife. Real problems.

Something that keeps me RPing is a very Healthy mix of Mechanics/Worldbuilding and RP being able to go hand in hand, and I felt Korvara WAS that at the beginning. I felt like if I were to RP a Blacksmith, and work and establish this identity of me, I could maybe reach a point where I can maybe create something unique for people. Or as Natasha maybe explore her Role a little more, or have like street performances improved, or even get unique buffs I could give to players. Or see a problem that we have in game like a lake of mandrakes, and a discover a way of planting them.(Instead we got a cave now where we can find those, which takes away from the RP people did to research such.) I know this sounds "powergamey" but its not exactly the reason why I enjoy these things. Its because things that are unique are like a badge of honor telling you "Hey you did something in this world and left a mark that even other players can recognize and benefit from. What you do actually matters." It makes the world feel more alive to me. Imagine if Meiaquar R&D actually made Mechanations a playable race by creating their own version of it? That be so cool. I do not feel like this is really something you can do in Korvara. I think a lot of people have tried to get something, even existing things, in Korvara and I know Dev Usually says "I am not against it". but at the same time we have like to line of expectations, or whats possible, so it always feels like "Technically yeah, but nah!". So all feels a little...Pointless and stale. You just RP your slices of life, with no impact on the world, which you have in many other byond RPs even.

I think I just like having a "Perspective", something I can work towards both ICly and OOCly. If I don't have that, my ADHD and Depression won't really allow me to enjoy something or put energy into it. Thats a me problem. I understand it. But damm do I miss early Korvara and the empty promises it had. It kept me engaged.

I know a little more on the negative side, but I still hold much love for the game, but most of it is unfortunately Nostalgia. Glad people can still find their drive here though and find their spots, I would be sad if SL2 died down I grew up with it.
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Messages In This Thread
Simulation Vs. Storytelling - by Sawrock - 07-14-2024, 07:20 AM
RE: Simulation Vs. Storytelling - by Neus - 07-15-2024, 02:17 AM
RE: Simulation Vs. Storytelling - by Trexmaster - 07-15-2024, 03:38 AM
RE: Simulation Vs. Storytelling - by K Peculier - 07-15-2024, 12:24 PM
RE: Simulation Vs. Storytelling - by Ray2064 - 07-15-2024, 01:48 PM
RE: Simulation Vs. Storytelling - by lalchi - 07-16-2024, 08:48 AM
RE: Simulation Vs. Storytelling - by MegaBlues - 07-16-2024, 01:52 PM
RE: Simulation Vs. Storytelling - by WaifuApple - 07-16-2024, 03:45 PM
RE: Simulation Vs. Storytelling - by CuteRedCrab - 07-16-2024, 04:29 PM
RE: Simulation Vs. Storytelling - by Shujin - 07-19-2024, 09:24 PM
RE: Simulation Vs. Storytelling - by Skimmy2 - 07-20-2024, 06:59 AM
RE: Simulation Vs. Storytelling - by Turadis - 07-22-2024, 04:21 AM
RE: Simulation Vs. Storytelling - by WaifuApple - 07-22-2024, 05:39 AM
RE: Simulation Vs. Storytelling - by Neus - 07-22-2024, 05:23 PM
RE: Simulation Vs. Storytelling - by Snake - 07-23-2024, 08:36 PM
RE: Simulation Vs. Storytelling - by Shujin - 07-25-2024, 04:28 PM
RE: Simulation Vs. Storytelling - by Snake - 07-26-2024, 06:42 PM
RE: Simulation Vs. Storytelling - by Snake - 07-26-2024, 11:29 PM
RE: Simulation Vs. Storytelling - by Skimmy2 - 08-08-2024, 07:55 AM

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