(07-26-2024, 08:30 AM)Poruku Wrote:(07-26-2024, 06:04 AM)Autumn Wrote: There's 0 issue in revives happening in a teamfight due to the already existing badly beaten mechanicsThe issue is two-fold
When it comes to healers in this game, you're just going to have to deal with them and respect that they are powerful forces generally.
1: healers are already op and get to use mass revive
2: random guy procs badly beaten and the fight goes on for way longer than needed
Badly beaten is a bandaid fix that doesn't always really fix the problem. Sure you lost 1m, but you still have 6m to act with. That's way better than 0.
I don't like the idea that healers should be accepted as op. It's possible to make them balanced, why would we give up?
And yeah its harder to revive a guy whos far away but the issue with spread out dead ppl is diehard, having ppl pop back up from across the field. People close together? The issue is mass revive overwhelmingly shifting the battle. Like, one team has a healer with aoe, one doesn't. The one with the healer wins cause everyone got back up with a 273 heal, and then another heal slapped on top. Now the full team is half hp while the other team is low. It's absolutely insane how big of a swing that is. tbh that does need another kind of nerf
This isn't an issue though, this is just a complaint, I'm not saying that healers should be accepted as overpowered either, but they should be accepted as strong members of any team core yes, if you lack healing that doesn't mean you auto-lose but you are down a very important part of any team composition just like if your team lacks CC and/or Damage. That is why more and more classes are getting healing sprinkled in their kits I assume.
Now I don't disagree that healing shouldn't get more checks, but I think that deserves more of a re-evaluation of the interference status effect rather than being able to prevent people from reviving all together. As the interference status effect comes with its own issues that basically makes healers feel like they need a way to counteract it currently.
I'll say my belief once again, healers are not overpowered, ever since the cooldown nerfs they come with their own issues and are unironically pretty balanced to the entire experience, they're a part of the game full stop. Like I said before, one of the big enablers of healers being able to do what they do is Mass + Rescue just being an omnipotent set-up tool, I don't think Rescue should be able to target corpses personally, as there should be disadvantage to where you die.
How else otherwise do you deal with people dying in clusters? AoE and/or displacement tools such as vanishing strike, pinball etc.