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Korvara's content, what'cha think?
Speaking as an EM. 

I think the content of an event really just depends of the author intent and the surrounding around.
I have a lot of event i wanna do that i have in head but never really had the time to engage in. 

For Duyuei, for Geladyne, for Telegrad, for Meiaquar. 

On my plans right now, i'd like to make an event that evolve strongly depending of the players interactions and rewarding the players involving themselves to it.
Meaning the event is open to public, but the players investing efforts on it will be rewarded accordingly. 

And the context of that event, well, depends of the location as suggested by Snake. 

I personally believe that one place of Korvara is not bound to only one theme. 
A korvara place is more of a BOARD with a THEMATIC which you can use to mold a scenario. 

So to me it's not "what type of event should happen on this particular place ?" 
but more of "How can i use the thematic and lore of the place to construct a story ?" 

I use nation's lore made by the player of course.
But I also don't hesitate to use the lore set by Dev as well. (After discussion with them of course)

I also need to point out. 
The story of an event is not necessarily made out by the EM running it. 
Some of the event you can see on Korvara can be request made by other players and in that case, there's a great chance that the story of that event follows the player request. 


Bouncing on one point said by Shujin :

Quote:- Events that are not scripted from A - Z (minor simple roll d20, with minor impacts do not really count to me), but allow for the players to make decisions and shape the story, more D&D styled

- Generally a Higher Focus on Player RP, rather than the eventmin trying to quickly finish the sidestory, or beating the monster of the week

When I did say i want to do something on those lines. Here the truth :

It's a huge pain. 
Because SL2 is not a tabletop. 

If it was, i'd have no problem. Sure i can adapt the lore and settings to the players decision by myself.

But in Korvara. If it goes too far off rails. You gotta make sure you don't overstep on other plans. 
You gotta let the nation leader aware if it becomes big. 
And maybe, MAYBE, get the GMs approval as well. 

It's a lot of contact. It's a lot of planning. It's a lot of compromise and it's a lot of stress, for the EM and for the leaders. 
Yes it's stressfull for the leaders, because they are not the bad guys here. There's no bad guys. 
Their worries and demands are understable, because even if it's a game, leaders are held to a standard. 
Believe it or not, but when an event where the nation leader has NO INVOLVEMENT AT ALL goes bad. It still falls right on their responsibilities, would be IC or OOC. (i've seen it).
And at that point. The small group is not possible to be kept. 
Because if the event makes too much noise. The nation will acknowledge it.
If the nation acknowledge it, the leader does.
If the leader doesn't respond, the people, ICly or OOCly, calls for irresponsabilities.
If the leader respond, Guards steps on the event, it cause OOC tensions. 

It's a pain.  

And you may say "well, it doesn't need to be that big." 

I made an event, where a regular bear chased two players.
The two players ran to Geladyne borders where NPC guards are present. 
I made the error to ping in the wrong place. 

It almost became a shitshow. It was a regular bear. 

I don't speak by theories. 
I speak of experience. 


And now i bounce back to the request of war event. 

And there's already been TWO WAR EVENT in Korvara. 
one being Meiaquar vs Fairview.
the second being Geladyne and Meiaquar. 

those two war event

Perhaps it was not noticeable by some. But those two wars cause a LOT of tensions OOCly 
between players
between EMs
between GMs
And even Dev had to step in at some point. 

And the funny thing is that, in one of those two war. I had no involvement. ICl or OOC.
I had no character playing in it.
I was not in charge of the war event.
I was never contacted on it. 

And I still got shot by a lost bullet in OOC. No one noticed it cause i kept my mouth shut and didn't wanted to add more than there is.
But it almost got me considering quitting the game. 

You think you're prepared for war event.
We're not.

PS : 
I may sound a bit harsh here. 
But truly, i don't hold hostility to anyone. 
Nobody is wrong on their statement or demands on that matter.
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Messages In This Thread
Korvara's content, what'cha think? - by Snake - 08-08-2024, 01:56 PM
RE: Korvara's content, what'cha think? - by lalchi - 08-09-2024, 10:58 PM
RE: Korvara's content, what'cha think? - by Snake - 08-10-2024, 10:46 PM
RE: Korvara's content, what'cha think? - by Balor - 08-11-2024, 08:58 AM
RE: Korvara's content, what'cha think? - by Neus - 08-12-2024, 04:45 AM
RE: Korvara's content, what'cha think? - by Druby - 08-12-2024, 06:29 AM
RE: Korvara's content, what'cha think? - by Neus - 08-12-2024, 07:00 AM
RE: Korvara's content, what'cha think? - by Snake - 08-13-2024, 02:32 AM
RE: Korvara's content, what'cha think? - by Mewni - 08-13-2024, 02:56 AM
RE: Korvara's content, what'cha think? - by Tana - 08-14-2024, 08:45 AM
RE: Korvara's content, what'cha think? - by Neus - 08-14-2024, 04:19 PM
RE: Korvara's content, what'cha think? - by Snake - 08-14-2024, 06:40 PM
RE: Korvara's content, what'cha think? - by Druby - 08-14-2024, 09:20 PM
RE: Korvara's content, what'cha think? - by Snake - 08-15-2024, 05:15 PM

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