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Korvara's content, what'cha think?
(08-09-2024, 08:25 AM)Shujin Wrote: snip

(08-09-2024, 10:58 PM)lalchi Wrote: 1.) Speaking as an EM. 

2.)I also need to point out. 
The story of an event is not necessarily made out by the EM running it. 
Some of the event you can see on Korvara can be request made by other players and in that case, there's a great chance that the story of that event follows the player request. 


Bouncing on one point said by Shujin :

Quote:- Events that are not scripted from A - Z (minor simple roll d20, with minor impacts do not really count to me), but allow for the players to make decisions and shape the story, more D&D styled

- Generally a Higher Focus on Player RP, rather than the eventmin trying to quickly finish the sidestory, or beating the monster of the week

3.) When I did say i want to do something on those lines. Here the truth :
It's a huge pain. 
Because SL2 is not a tabletop. 

If it was, i'd have no problem. Sure i can adapt the lore and settings to the players decision by myself.

But in Korvara. If it goes too far off rails. You gotta make sure you don't overstep on other plans. 
You gotta let the nation leader aware if it becomes big. 
And maybe, MAYBE, get the GMs approval as well. 

 It's a lot of contact. It's a lot of planning. It's a lot of compromise and it's a lot of stress, for the EM and for the leaders. 
Yes it's stressfull for the leaders, because they are not the bad guys here. There's no bad guys. 
Their worries and demands are understable, because even if it's a game, leaders are held to a standard. 
Believe it or not, but when an event where the nation leader has NO INVOLVEMENT AT ALL goes bad. It still falls right on their responsibilities, would be IC or OOC. (i've seen it).
And at that point. The small group is not possible to be kept. 
Because if the event makes too much noise. The nation will acknowledge it.
If the nation acknowledge it, the leader does.
If the leader doesn't respond, the people, ICly or OOCly, calls for irresponsabilities.
If the leader respond, Guards steps on the event, it cause OOC tensions. 

It's a pain.  

4.) And you may say "well, it doesn't need to be that big." 

I made an event, where a regular bear chased two players.
The two players ran to Geladyne borders where NPC guards are present. 
I made the error to ping in the wrong place. 

It almost became a shitshow. It was a regular bear. 

I don't speak by theories. 
I speak of experience. 


5.) And now i bounce back to the request of war event. 

And there's already been TWO WAR EVENT in Korvara. 
one being Meiaquar vs Fairview.
the second being Geladyne and Meiaquar. 

those two war event

Perhaps it was not noticeable by some. But those two wars cause a LOT of tensions OOCly 
between players
between EMs
between GMs
And even Dev had to step in at some point. 

And the funny thing is that, in one of those two war. I had no involvement. ICl or OOC.
I had no character playing in it.
I was not in charge of the war event.
I was never contacted on it. 

And I still got shot by a lost bullet in OOC. No one noticed it cause i kept my mouth shut and didn't wanted to add more than there is.
But it almost got me considering quitting the game. 

You think you're prepared for war event.
We're not.

PS : 
I may sound a bit harsh here. 
But truly, i don't hold hostility to anyone. 
Nobody is wrong on their statement or demands on that matter.
Prefacing this, as usual, even if I might say some controversal things as usual, I mean no hostility towards any individual.

1.) I work off the points, as I am curious about some and have some opinions on others. I have been GMing for a game with over 200 people before, countless of times with countless of different group constallations for about 15 years. When I was starting out I remember how much I felt overhelmed by shit, I know that I made the mistake over overly planning stuff and overprepared, and how stressful it was for me when things just didn't go to plan or when you had to deal with a bad apple.

It became alot better once I knew the Lore and System by basically second nature and became even enjoyable and was able to Wing a lot of things. I know SL2 has a few weaknesses over the full text one, that I played in terms of presentation and worldbuilding, and I know thats a unique challange for an EM by itself. Though I would out of curiosity ask, how much experience you have to deal with the players, how many events you have roughly run, and how much experince you have with EM in game and if there was any prior experience in GM in other tabletops?

Just asking because there is a good chance, that with experience, knowing what you can and can not do, what flies and what doesn't that things become way more easier on you or if you talk as a seasoned GM Veteran who just struggles because SL2, is SL2. Simply cause I made the experience that being a GM for a while and learning the hang of it made it alot easier for me, but I never even seen the tools eventmins work with in SL2, so I can't really talk on that.

2.) To this I am going to say, that Players generally speaking, copy the Formula that they know. If they see one type of event being done over and over, they automatically will design events in that same design, because they live by example and think thats the only possibility. Even I would think that in SL2, because of how static it feels at times.

3.) Well yeah, Doing something high effort is a pain, duh. I don't think anyone really expected otherwise. Its always a PAIN to run something. And the more hoops and loops you have to hop through, to get something seemingly basic done, the more you hate it. I remember when the game I GMed for, for so long, had a change in headadminship, and suddenly they wanted all GM's to ask for approvals in a ticket system, for any storyline, if the encounter designs weren't too strong or fitting the ruleset (disallowing enemies unique quirks)... Many GMs quit, cause it became too troublesome and too soulless, and planning things suddenly took so much longer and was just a pain, and while the game technically still exists today, its basically dead. Not only because of this, of course, but there were many more questionable decisions that took the fun out of the game.

So, yeah...I know that pain. I know and understand it when it involves things that actually involve more than just the people involved in the storyline, or when it grows bigger. But most of the time, things were fairly inconsequential to anyone but the invovled party.

Not trying to throw flag on Dev here, but based on my experiences, maybe its a problem with the RP mentality design and how strict some things need to be followed, or a lack of real change in the world, but still being policed so heavily. That maybe the Focus shouldn't be new classes, but on creating an RP environment where these things are easier or at the very least more meaningful. SL2, I am going to say it, ALWAYS sucked as a Framework for RP. In G6 we couldn't even interact with the world. In Korvara we technically kinda can, but also not really. The only thing that changed is that instead of housing, we not have offical map requests, and some people can play ruler (which also happend in G6, just with our own stories to boot.) We haven't really moved away that much from G6 all things considered.
The cheatcode the Guards used for Bypass DL was also copied one to one to Korvara. "Teehee, No this is not a DL4 situation that wouldn't be fair, we just subdue you with 20 people!" ->10 minutes later "Yeah we decided to execute you, now that there is no risk for us anymore, haha!"->Translation: Its not a DL4 situation for us, even if you win. But we can force it on you any time we feel like it. That is blatant abuse of the rules in my opinion, but hey, I digress. 

To finish the point off: I am going to steal the word "understable", cause I think that's the perfect word to describe this community and I think it's a funny typo.

Uh without throwing shade at you... But a bear chase is really not what I have in mind when I talk about smaller scale events. Too small! probably got nothing to do with the 2 invovled players...Unless they were like hunters and you played out that little scene for them, but given that they ran I have my doubts about that... Like this to me just sounds like an experience born from Inexpereince, if you know what I mean? Obviously I have no details, just going off the few words you shared about it.

And you are basically pointing out what I am saying-> It became shit the moment too many people were invovled. In my experience thats one common dominator in most shitshows that we had in the past. People that have no context being invovled in something they didn't want to be, but feel entitled to be in, and then blowing everything out of proportion. This only got worse since the age of discord where communication and misinformation being spread became so darn easy.

5.) Here is probably the most controversial thing I am going to say, no one needs to agree with it, It's a bit of a rant too, so apologize... But when people do not accept consequences, and it makes them cry very very loudly, its never the right answer to give them what they want if its not befitting the RP environment, but those people need to be punished as they ruin the game for anyone else who wants an immersive world. In my opinion, keeping these people is bad for RP and the health of the community, so why cater to them Specifically?

I agree that this community has BECOME not ready for these events. But I 100% blame the GM team for at least parts of it, for being too handholdey, protective and spoiling these kind of people so much that they could invoke powers of Time reversal or Godhod or Ultrainstinct Autonomous Consequnce Dodge, based on how hard they cried so that it became a valid strategy to save your character from another character, no matter how deserved it ICly was. The GM team shouldn't exist to Veto or prevent RP, they should only exist to ensure things go according to the rules and as fair as possible. (And not change or make up rules, based on how they feel at that moment. Don't act as if you don't.)

Not saying that everyone is like that, but the Fairview example specifically and Bruno's assassination during the 2ed war with more than 15 people invovled in it, kinda of had this vibe. I also understand that the GM's do not want to be too harsh on things, but they also shouldn't be surprised if it repeats then over and over, if its working. But I feel like the GMs Protect people from any Negative RP at times, and then being surprised that people don't grow on it is kinda weird to me. Loss is part of life. You appreciate things more, when you know the pain of losing it. And for the love of God, you stop playing characters that run their mouth all the time without selfpreservation, cause after the 3rd time having to start over you might understand what consequences are, or you are at the very least ready for it.

What I am trying to say is...That this enviorment for no Wars or ANY negative conflict, even when some clearly want this conflict, is based on a simple double standard mentality. "Good" characters will always benefit IC and OOC, while "Evil" characters will always suffer as they are not seen equal as Characters, yet they are very much needed to prevent staleness and need the help the most. GM's rule very often based on Emotions based on that, I feel. Its high time, there are more places detached from the 4 nations, with clear rules that they are not as handholdey by design, and let people go there if they want more "mean" Rp, without the protection. Then these that enjoy this can live in their bubble without dragging people that do not want that in. Probably the most healthy solution, even if not perfect.
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Korvara's content, what'cha think? - by Snake - 08-08-2024, 01:56 PM
RE: Korvara's content, what'cha think? - by Shujin - 08-10-2024, 07:08 AM
RE: Korvara's content, what'cha think? - by Snake - 08-10-2024, 10:46 PM
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RE: Korvara's content, what'cha think? - by Neus - 08-14-2024, 04:19 PM
RE: Korvara's content, what'cha think? - by Snake - 08-14-2024, 06:40 PM
RE: Korvara's content, what'cha think? - by Druby - 08-14-2024, 09:20 PM
RE: Korvara's content, what'cha think? - by Snake - 08-15-2024, 05:15 PM

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