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Amalgama - Request for unusual soul.
Applicable BYOND Key - Pittotwo
Character Name - Presently unnamed, while I considered using the name 'Titus' in honor of a previous char who I deleted due to a mistake (I don't know if we're allowed to reuse names though), I have also considered Kortan, Zillah, etc..
Request Type - Soul made up of potentially unusual picks.
Request Details - The amalgama in question would be made up of souls from failed homunculi; chimeras and salamandras who had come to life only to rapidly succumb and die due to unexpected complications, alongside a few fragments from monsters- specifically dripping corpses or other undead ideally.
Specific Request - This amalgama would be made up of four souls and a 'fifth' that acts as a binding agent; A salamandra who's organs froze solid, a chimera who's body violently rejected it's own parts and tore itself apart in a blind fury, another chimera who unexpectedly mutated gills and suffocated, and finally a second salamandra who rapidly overheated and had to be terminated before they died with explosive results. Due to their souls being salvaged it was decided to bind the four together, the 'fitfh' soul is simply multiple fragments from various undead that haunt Korvara or such, used to attempt to stablize the four souls.
Reason why you are making this request (if applicable) - Primarily because I find the idea of an amalgama who's souls were that of failed homunculi interesting, due to the lack of growth of its components making it impossible to guess what mutations the amalgama may have.
Roleplay & Lore supporting your request - While I'm not sure if any roleplay would support this, I know R&D in Geladyne are prone to experimenting, and I would guess not all homunculi survive even if they are 'successfully' created and come to life. This character would be the result of needing to re-use whatever possible from them.

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Amalgama - Request for unusual soul. - by Pittotwo - 11-10-2024, 04:06 AM

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