03-24-2015, 04:57 PM
Physical Stamina could be used when:
-crafting weapons/armor (probably take as much stamina as the difficulty level?)
-fishing (could maybe use Mental too, as someone who fishes)
-clearing Beast Marks (although it should probably be based off character level for consumption)
-carrying over capacity for too long (like -1 per 25 steps maybe? I dunno)
-being "Hungry" (completely empty food bar) for more than 3 hours (-2 per hour, perhaps? Wouldn't affect Doriad, Vampire, Lich, Mechanation, Dullahan. Could also see this affecting Mental, if you're constantly thinking about your next meal)
Mental Stamina could be used when:
-gambling (CLARIFICATION: Goes up when you win, down when you lose.)
-crafting Alchemy items/Enchanting (probably take as much stamina as the difficulty level?)
-initially entering a BDP ("Am I mentally prepared to face all this weird shit?" probably about BDP lvl/10 consumption)
-gathering from Alchemy nodes. As suggested by Sarinpa1, because it would be a "spot and tell apart" thing.
-carrying lots of Murai. Maybe regen an extra +1 per 10,000 murai you carry (since apparently it's sooo easy to get Murai. I just have a hole in my pocket.)
-losing a fight (PVE only for now) since you also lose some murai and maybe items
I could see some of these idea spawning new item effects for new and current items (the cloak that prevents Fear at a certain percent could reduce Mental drain when entering BDPs, different fishing rods and baits affecting Physical drain, better pickaxe less Physical drain, etc), as well as effects for new and current races (Chata/Imperial humans less Physical drain for armor and weapons, Tannis human less drain for bows, Lispool/Karaten humans/Elves less drain for Alchemy/Enchanting, Onigan less drain from gambling, Kaelensian less drain from clearing Beast Marks, Shaitan less drain from BDP, etc).
More ideas welcome, of course.
-crafting weapons/armor (probably take as much stamina as the difficulty level?)
-fishing (could maybe use Mental too, as someone who fishes)
-clearing Beast Marks (although it should probably be based off character level for consumption)
-carrying over capacity for too long (like -1 per 25 steps maybe? I dunno)
-being "Hungry" (completely empty food bar) for more than 3 hours (-2 per hour, perhaps? Wouldn't affect Doriad, Vampire, Lich, Mechanation, Dullahan. Could also see this affecting Mental, if you're constantly thinking about your next meal)
Mental Stamina could be used when:
-gambling (CLARIFICATION: Goes up when you win, down when you lose.)
-crafting Alchemy items/Enchanting (probably take as much stamina as the difficulty level?)
-initially entering a BDP ("Am I mentally prepared to face all this weird shit?" probably about BDP lvl/10 consumption)
-gathering from Alchemy nodes. As suggested by Sarinpa1, because it would be a "spot and tell apart" thing.
-carrying lots of Murai. Maybe regen an extra +1 per 10,000 murai you carry (since apparently it's sooo easy to get Murai. I just have a hole in my pocket.)
-losing a fight (PVE only for now) since you also lose some murai and maybe items
I could see some of these idea spawning new item effects for new and current items (the cloak that prevents Fear at a certain percent could reduce Mental drain when entering BDPs, different fishing rods and baits affecting Physical drain, better pickaxe less Physical drain, etc), as well as effects for new and current races (Chata/Imperial humans less Physical drain for armor and weapons, Tannis human less drain for bows, Lispool/Karaten humans/Elves less drain for Alchemy/Enchanting, Onigan less drain from gambling, Kaelensian less drain from clearing Beast Marks, Shaitan less drain from BDP, etc).
More ideas welcome, of course.
Quote:OOC Devourer Of Souls: She left me for WoW?! THIS IS BULLSHIT
Quote:Underwhelmed green-haired girl shouts "BITING EACH OTHER IS NOT A LIZARD SEX THING."