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Evade Ignore Sweep
I dunno..

I feel like one of Firebird's big niches and strengths is being the Anti-Evade class.

Plisfa's is really strong, but rarely picked due to just how Skill Point hungry hexer is, a lotta hexers just take more invokes and tools they can use in most matchups, caster hexers also tend to double hit (using up 2 stacks) and their damage is often not too frontloaded.. The big draw for Plisfa's is usually for basic hitter hexers, who are running Hexer, as a subclass for its many tools, instead of the raw power of the many other subclasses. It can also be played around, and removed with negotiate.. I've personally only struggled to deal with this ability in one specific matchup. (Hi Fern)

Grenade Launcher has already been nerfed to GA last patch, in this instance, I do agree it was busted.

Lord's Flame IMO is one of summoner's important buttons, and having lost Evade Ignore on Wild Waterfall, has nerfed summoners against Evadies already. While I do think Lord's Flame is strong, I think rn it's not too oppressive.

I don't have much to say on Shaitan Grapple, but I do kind of also feel like it's overrated, it can suck as some class combos, but others can deal with it without too much trouble.

Divine Shower, is one i can sort of agree with, it can feel borderline opressive in some matchups, but granted it has a CD, and it does take 9m to use.

Dancing Tentacle has been nerfed last patch, not to immobilize unless it's on water tiles, which i feel like is already enough of a nerf, it usually also doesn't do too much damage, and right now to immobilize you, the aquamancer has to try to hit you with water dragon, or waste momentum on putting down water that can be planned around.

Ice Point Guard Icicle Spear... This one is a pain in the ass, and is what makes zoner verg really oppressive, evade ignore, good damage, infinite range, spreads ice and sets up for ice skate, and inflicts a huge amount of LVs of frozen.. If any of these would get nerfed, this is probbably the one I'd most likely give the middle finger to on their way out.. It can be counterplayed with mirror, but this can be counterplayed right back by the Verg equipping a mirror too. Does it need a nerf? I can't really say, If I had to see it hit, I feel like I'd rather it's range gets hit, so that it is not a siege tool.

Frigid Formation.. Yeah probbably.

Retaliate, I feel like doesn't need a buff, it already keeps all your rage energy if you miss, and matador DH is in a good state.

Messages In This Thread
Evade Ignore Sweep - by Poruku - Today, 04:29 AM
RE: Evade Ignore Sweep - by zericosmic - 9 hours ago
RE: Evade Ignore Sweep - by Poruku - 9 hours ago

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