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Evade Ignore Sweep
Lift Off's evade ignore requires class resource, Falcon Strike is very easy to space against, Lance de Lion is conditional and won't grant you a third action, and soaring spear is ALSO conditional. While firebird has evade ignores out the ass, they're also fair; all of them have cooldowns and aren't going to delete a dodgy with good positioning. In the same vein, a guile build with 60+ flanking isn't going to have an effective 300+ hit against you if they can't flank you - something that's arguably easier.

Firebird is god's answer to poorly positioned evades trying to wall you out, and I love it dearly.

I've always been of the opinion that if you set your only defensive layer is dodge in an environment that encourages you NOT to do that, you deserve it. Build a hybrid, have fire res to deal with the evade ignore roster that heavily favours the element, or just don't end your turn directly next to guy staring saucy at his falcon strike > lift off; all of the problem-child evade ignores are already gone, and the rest are manageable if you play well.

also being walled by dodge is the WORST feeling and I hope you explode violently

Messages In This Thread
Evade Ignore Sweep - by Poruku - Today, 04:29 AM
RE: Evade Ignore Sweep - by Collector - 9 hours ago
RE: Evade Ignore Sweep - by Poruku - 9 hours ago

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