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Light and Dark Tiles
I'm sure the light shafts have been spoken about in this context for a while now already, but with the addition of darkness tiles having a similar issue, I feel like bringing it up again.

I'm failing to see the point in making tile effects that can screw you and your own party over when you use it. As for darkness tiles, it's kind of confusing to see an evade-centric effect tied to an element that heavily leans towards a tank stat. Maybe there can be other kinds of effects to replace them, like lowered resists or something of that nature? It'd also be nice if the tiles could differentiate between allies and enemies like most other tile effects seem to do.

Messages In This Thread
Light and Dark Tiles - by Frozen - Yesterday, 07:03 PM
RE: Light and Dark Tiles - by Poruku - Yesterday, 11:57 PM

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