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Class-based drop table adjustments.
"[url=' Wrote:Ranylyn » Mon Apr 27, 2015 4:44 pm[/url]"]2) It being more common in level 15 BDPs doesn't change the fact that not everyone wants to level as an evoker, and you likely won't get it before level 20.

Then level more as a Mage until you do. We get to LE to fix our problems later, not complain about them now.

"[url=' Wrote:Ranylyn » Mon Apr 27, 2015 4:44 pm[/url]"]3) I thought that bug was fixed. Why keep the affected items so stupidly priced?

If you'd read the thread, Dev had no way of 'fixing' this bug. And as I said,
Quote:So please try to keep in mind, not everyone has gotten around to rechecking and restocking the shops after such event.
And likely won't for a while. Since you find it so tedious to simply craft something repeatedly, imagine having to take out your 100 shop items that glitched on you, and reprice each one of them accordingly. Just as tedious, just as annoying to do.

"[url=' Wrote:Ranylyn » Mon Apr 27, 2015 4:44 pm[/url]"]4) The "absolutely insane" prices, yes. Like my second screenshot. The first one, though?

My response to 3 should answer this. Somehow, people over-value Rustic and such to the 2353456241th degree (Rebellious Spirits: Worth 250(guessing); Sells for 30k. Can't do much about that other than go ask them why). Also,
Quote:If they don't want to bargain, then don't give them business.

"[url=' Wrote:Ranylyn » Mon Apr 27, 2015 4:44 pm[/url]"]5) I don't go into random people's houses for RP purposes. Who the hell roleplays as a random wanderer into peoples' houses? While those screenshots are indeed more pleasant than the bullcrap around Cellsvich, there's almost no point if they're not readily accessible/visible.

Some houses start as a lawn or garden area before you enter the actual house part, and are where some people keep their shops. You could as easily be walking past their house on the street, and see this impromptu ghetto steam-punk yard-sale. It's also acceptable to say, "Hey, I'm here OOCly to check for nice things to buy and help support your murai situation." Just like how you've complained that not everyone going to Law's End to break down something is there as a villain or victim.
Quote:OOC Devourer Of Souls: She left me for WoW?! THIS IS BULLSHIT

Quote:Underwhelmed green-haired girl shouts "BITING EACH OTHER IS NOT A LIZARD SEX THING."

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