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Handling the "Hybrid Tax."
"[url= Wrote:Tsundere » Thu Jun 18, 2015 2:51 pm[/url]"]so what you're saying is fight fire with fire or "balance by COMPLETELY unbalancing"

there's supposed to be a drawback for attempting to go for a wider range of stats; high risk, high reward, right???
i don't see why classes with slightly less specialized growths get to be objectively better than "min/maxed" growth classes by having a higher total growth

believe it or not if you spent as much time working WITH the system as you do AGAINST it (i.e. suggesting unnecessary changes) you might be able to better come to terms with why your ideas continue to sound..silly

why is hexer even considered hybrid?
why do verglas not need skill? EVERY class needs skill, thanks to the evasion changes
engineer's growths do not need a buff
why would you just throw 20% extra growth in one stat on monk? maybe 5% or even 10% but like. What are you doing?? that's adding an entirely different stat to their spread and i????
why would you give an anti-mage class more will?

why do you take the time out to write these things

If you actually READ the FULL thing I wrote, the real issue was classes whose growths are spread TOO THIN and prone to getting completely RNG screwed. If you want a COMPLETE imbalance, look no further than EVERYONE grinding with the EXACT SAME CLASS COMBOS BECAUSE GROWTHS. Calling it the Hybrid Tax was simply the most fitting name, since the issue IS that many classes have skills that they simply lack the growths to use.

It is -NOT- a matter of wanting a hybrid character, it is a matter of not wanting to spend eternity grinding Evokers/Arbalests/etc/the same builds over and over and over. Entire classes get underused until 60 simply due to their growths, despite their movesets being the appeal to playing them. It's totally fine for an Evoker to have 80 will. However, when some other mage classes can't even break 45 because of their growths, I fail to see how anyone with even a quarter of a working brain thinks that's completely kosher.

Furthermore, everyone needs to stop accusing me of trying to work against the system. I am an Altaholic. I play EVERYTHING. Optimal and Suboptimal. I'm not going "baaaawww, everyone's better than me." I'm going "Damn, the actual fun characters are getting RNG screwed so bad they can't win in PVE anymore, and this boring shit over here isn't even blinking at PVE." Furthermore, there ARE a lot of builds I've managed to wreck faces with despite being hilariously suboptimal, so I'm not even looking at sheer stats, but overall viability. For example, Hexer/BK? Sure, it's will sucks, but it doesn't need nearly as much will as a dedicated mage.

- Hexer? As I said, it's proposed skill growth was just so it can hit with it's passives based around landing weapon hits. Naturally this wouldn't be a problem for everyone who levelled as an Evoker, but for people leveling as Hexers, it can definitely be an issue. If you don't believe me, I tried levelling an LB/Tactician one time, and got Style Blending at level 35 due to only getting enough Skill (Complete with +3 skill traits) by then. Hexer has a very similar skill growth.
- You'll notice I didn't suggest removing ALL Verglas skill, just a bit. I worded it wrong, is all. Point being, not everyone has Evasion, and all their skills are autohits.
- That's your opinion. I just look at those growths and feel sad, myself.
- People besides Evokers deserve to be able to use Aid or Setting Sun. They have multiple will based skills and 0% Will growth.
- VA has multiple will-based spells as well. Them being anti-mage has nothing to do with their lack of will growths to support their void abilities.

Why do I take the time to write things out? Why do YOU take the time to reply, if you're so determined to keep any suboptimal combo non-viable? Do you even understand the difference between 110% Will vs 70% will? Spoilers: You're looking at 40 Will vs 80 will. "Giving the lower will +5% Str or skill or whatnot makes them objectively better?" Bull. You can't honestly think that. It is humanly impossible to seriously be THAT blind to the issue.

@ Chaos: While that is a good point, it doesn't change that many classes don't see play outside of PVP simply due to their growths. It would be nice to correct that.
*loud burp*

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