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[Board] Material Request
A piece of notepaper can be seen tacked on the Cellsvich notice board. It seems like it was just ripped straight from a notebook without much finesse.

The paper reads as follows--

I'm willing to buy any amount of the following materials for the prices as listed below. If you want to haggle, talk to me, odds are I'll be more willing to budge if you've got a lot.
*Paper -- 40 Mura per sheet.
[strike]*Octi Pods -- 50 Mura per...pod.
*Jammer Bones -- 50 Mura per bone.[/strike]


I'm not outside often, so odds are contacting me via laplace is your best bet (acompletelynormalper@l-net.grm). In the odd event I am outside, I'm a Zeran, red hair, and I'm pretty much always wearing a badge shaped like Chimera Enterprises' logo. And I'm a girl. Hopefully that narrows it down.

Just go stare at the first building you see in the eastern housing district of Cellsvich if you for some reason don't know what that is.

The less questions you ask about why I need these things and what I'm using them for the better.

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