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Dungeon Suffixes
I had the 3:1 ratio because
  • None of the current Dungeon prefixes are intended to be "beneficial". Spacey is beneficial (IMO) because it gives time to strategize, regen, and RP. Everyone else hates it because "CA'NT RAECH ANEMY @ BATLE STURT"/"LAG OP". Y'all make me giggle, because I've been running games at 10 FPS since I had a computer. I was born by the lag...; and Crazy is beneficial because increased EXP gains per battle. But on the flip side, more Spatials are something bad, still. These things may not have been the overall intention, but they are the ones that people commonly notice.

  • The BDPs hate us, so actual intended beneficial things should probably be a bit sparse.

but I could still always think of some more, and as Dev has said, he can just pick a few from the list, or the whole list itself. There is no guarantee that any/all of this will make it in.
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