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Monoclassing Idea: Unique Innates
Greetings, I play Sigrogana from time to time and have never been to the forums, but I made an account especially to introduce an idea that was discussed yesterday. It is about how monoclassing in Sigrogana Legend is bad in almost every way compared to multiclassing. I understand that multiclassing is a great thing, but if you give people the option, why not make all options a path that can be followed without being seriously handicapped?

With that in mind, I participated in a discussion yesterday about how to make monoclassing not suck, and the idea was that changing how monoclassing works or giving bonuses through traits was not the way to go. Instead, it was discussed that all classes needed to have their own bonus for monoclassing, most likely coming in the form of a sort of innate skill that you get by default (Without spending sp).

In this way, it would somewhat make up for the innates and bonuses a subclass gives you, without draining your precious sp or trait points.

Such bonuses would apply to all classes, including base classes. The idea is that base classes would recieve a passive that is a lot more general, while advanced classes would recieve a skill that almost changes how the class works, in a way that wouldn't be over the top, simulating the strength of having an additionnal set of innates and skills.

An example of this would be, maybe, giving the soldier class an innate that, say, would allow him to regenerate an additionnal 1% of his health per round, as well as allowing him to never suffer from penalties from any armour or weapons.
While, on the other hand, Black Knights could get a buff at the end of their turn if they did not walk this turn. That buff could be an increase to defenses, coupled with being impossible to move from that spot by external sources. In addition, enemies surrounding the black knight while the buff is active need to pass a roll to know if they can escape his "towering presence". It would encourage the use of skills like hanging and towering to move around, maving it feel more like a chess game.

These ideas are obviously not polished, but I think you can get the idea. Basic innates would be about granting an overall buff to the class, while the advanced class innate would bring another level of depth to the playstyle of the class.

Thank you for reading! I'd be glad to discuss and make this whole idea better. (altough I'll be gone for 2 days)

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