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Crafting Overhaul
The Crafting system right now is fine. But considering this is a RPG game were people are supposed to interact with each other, there could be some improvement to make Crafting more depending on different players and "Forcing" them to interact to get the best of the best gear. I see that this way people who make a shop can actually better interact in the rp with their employees aswell.

When we look at the current system you quickly notice a few things:
1.)Say, A metalworker can do pretty much everything he wants for himself at top quality. The only thing he might or might not need help with is a simple enchantment or maybe a toolmaker to get one of those special quality buffs. Same goes for the others.

2.)Material is either bad or good right now. people even call a item they find made from magmic/Ori/Arctic trash while Coral/rockdirt and the new light one are the best.

3.)While it´s cool that you can now, with the help of a toolmaker, always get the best quality you also lose a little the flair as a smith and the "Well done!" feeling.

So I came to think that the System could improve a little and maybe even go in the direction of making custom weapons/armors.

First the addition of two new "Jobs" and their purpose:
The Tuner is a person that brings out the best out of whatever material he is working with(Wood,Iron,Clothing). Perfection is his all and everything.
For example:
A Tailor will go to him with his cotton and lets the Tuner take a look on it, the Tuner will rework the cotton to it´s finest form. After work is done he will give it back to the Tailor to work with his advanced material.

I was thinking of a Level System with chances based on the Tuning Level(So nothing new):
Cotton: Difficulty:2 (I think the highest for materials in generel was 4?)
Tuning Level=Star=Chance(%)

Depening on which Rank you are aiming for, you have to use up more of the material.
Formula: Star rank*2=Material cost
Example: If you want to tune a Material to 3 Star you need 6 of the original Material.

The Item for a 1* cotton or Cotton LV1 Item could look for Example like This[Image: 7cfea5b475268d2232e9b490b47d262f.png]. To keep it simple.

Depending on the stars/Level only a Tailor with a Tailoring Level Equal to the Stars/level+1 can work with.
Example: 3* Cotton or Cotton LV3 can only be used by a Tailor Lv4. This way perfecting Tailoring has it´s use.

What will does advanced Materials do?
Basiclly the same as the Original Material just slightly better.
Example. Nerif´s blood
Base Value
For Weapons:+2 power,-5% Crit,Fire damage (10)
For Armor:+1Def.+1 Weight,+5%Fire def.

Example. Nerif´s blood
For Weapons:+3 p,-6% Crit,FD (11)/+4 p,-7% Crit,FD (12)/+5 p,-8% Crit,FD (13)/+6 p,-9% Crit,FD (14)/+7 p,-10% Crit,FD (15),Chance to inflict burn
Or make the Crit not be even worse but improve aswell, Was just thinking that maybe a downside is fine in trade for such power. else it would have -0% crit at Rank 5

For Armor:+2D,+2 W,+6%F def./+3D,+3 W,+7%F def./+4D,+4 W,+8%F def./+5D,+5 W,+9%F def./+6D,+6 W,+10%F def, Chance to be immune to burn

The idea is clear I think, not sure about the exact Values or if this is to OP, but I was thinking that it´s not that easy to obtain such a weapon and that way normal weapons might win more relevance.

A Scientist loves to take everything apart and reassembles them again. He can break down stuff in the alchemy station and in addition he can extract the recipe for something he breaks down there. This way he can get a low chance to rebuild Valuable Artifacts and maybe make them even more potent...With the help of someone who can actually build it together for him and with the right material.

Thats basiclly the idea...He will try to get his hands on rare items and break them down to maybe get a recipe, this recipe he will bring to his coworker who happens to be a metalworker maybe and he will learn the recipe and viola! They worked together for a great item.

(Secondary Idea which would make a Scientiest even better would be the way to create a own Recipe.
How that Works?
Basiclly he will have a kind of "Research note" which will be filled with effects from items he has broken down (A chance in % that it gets into your "Research book&quotWink From this book you have a kind of point system. The more points you use, so higher the difficulty.
You would have a "Base item" with certain stats depening on the Rarity the item will have and the type of weapon it´s going to be. More stars mean more Points to put in before the difficulty and Rarity raises.)
But that would take a while to balance that actually out so I leave it for now. Simply tossing it in to hear thoughts about it.

I think this way people will more oftenly work together and making guilds to work together ICly and OOCly are far more attractive.
Also it makes Crafting a lot more intersting in my eyes and a legit alternative from dungeon item farming.

And well yeah, giving the players in a RPG game the option to work for something else is also always nice.

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