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Let's Burgeon SL2
Constructive idea: The battle system still encourages metagame, allowing people to see things they should not be able to see. Change it. The class system still lets everyone be everything. I know people hate to let go of this ("We need it for science, we swear!&quotWink, but it does more harm than good to roleplay. Change it. The skill acquisition system has a passable concept, but equipping them for battle makes no sense. Change it. There are no officially recognized factions to oppose the guards, and this is not only a missed opportunity, but it makes the poor saps bored. I recommend adding at least one of these. But my biggest beef is with the overworld. Still. Biggest immersion breaker next to the battle system, and it would be nice if entering it were at least optional when leaving towns, next to a nice, sensible 'to scale' world. And while I don't necessarily believe that allowing people to play the current NPCs is the best option... Yes, roles. That affect things.

I've been absent for long enough that some of these arguments may no longer be valid, but my attachments to the community and my character data (the character creation system still being the best on byond, credit where credit is due) are the only reason I kept playing. These kinds of threads have been created too many times now. It's a shame they've gone ignored for years, because people have been nothing if not supportive of the game's success. Even if that support comes in the form of pleas for change.
[Image: jzdlBPn.png]

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