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Let's Burgeon SL2
"[url= Wrote:Rockabye » Sat Sep 19, 2015 3:17 am[/url]"]But my biggest beef is with the overworld. Still. Biggest immersion breaker next to the battle system, and it would be nice if entering it were at least optional when leaving towns, next to a nice, sensible 'to scale' world.

It's an entertaining idea, and one I've thought about several times (and maybe it will happen someday), but it's not exactly a simple thing to do. Plus a lot of things rely on the overworld system, such as the random dungeons. While random dungeons could still generate 'fine' on a Skyrim-sized overworld, it's a lot harder to find them on a huge map than a more tightly packed one, which can be frustrating given how wildly different they can be.

Secondly, due to the way BYOND's z level system works, having large exterior maps causes their size to be applied to each z level. Since SL2 generates new z levels for houses, dungeon/house floors, and battles, a large enough map can cause an exponential increase in the number of turfs used. (You could get away with this by cleverly making the exterior maps smaller and giving them transitions, and turfs aren't as restricted as of recent BYOND versions, and they're pretty memory efficient.) But these are all things you need to consider.

Finally, I don't think there's a point to having a 'to scale' overworld if the majority of it is going to be big and empty. Which means I would have to make it full of interesting terrain, mini-areas, quests, and so on. Not a problem, but realize how complicated and time consuming planning and implementing those things are.

"Rockabye" Wrote:I've been absent for long enough that some of these arguments may no longer be valid, but my attachments to the community and my character data (the character creation system still being the best on byond, credit where credit is due) are the only reason I kept playing. These kinds of threads have been created too many times now. It's a shame they've gone ignored for years, because people have been nothing if not supportive of the game's success. Even if that support comes in the form of pleas for change.

They haven't been created that many times, to be honest, nor were they ever ignored. A lot of good has come from them and I have implemented some requested features every time it comes up. Saying they've been ignored just because I don't satisfy everyone on everything (because the notion is ridiculous) honestly bogs down my motivation.

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