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Let's Burgeon SL2
Snot and other gross, sick person stuff is obscuring my view, so forgive my general lack of input:

I agree with everything Blissey mentioned here. These ideas are vague, and not entirely specific, but I'm sure other people will take the time to appropriately flesh out any ideas here.

I also agree with Psych, except for one thing. Eternia is nice for immersive, deep RP, yet somehow, somehow, the community here seems to be leagues better than there. That's why I continue to come back here, even after taking breaks.

Lastly, I indefinitely agree with everything Clockworkers Doll has mentioned in their post. Aesthetics would be amazing. Despite the awful lag, I personally enjoyed the 'cloud' portion of SL2's weather system.

A suggestion to toss in, based off of seasonal changes: Why not have similar lighting changes occur within houses themselves? You know, when it's night time outside, it's night time inside. Or, have weather effects show on external tilesets? And if that's too hard to determine what is considered 'outside' in a player's home, provide the necessary tools for someone to decide on their own.

In the end, you have some support to further improve SL2. I'd also be willing to help chip in when it comes map making, spriting, and otherwise to flesh out the world.
[Image: 21b2ouq.png]

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