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Class Idea: Reaping Dancer
Reaping Dancer
How to Unlock: Travel five or more squares and then perform a basic attack with a spear while rogue is level 20
Promotion of Rogue.

Movement: 6
Weapons: Spears and Swords

STR 35%
WIL 30%
SKI 30%
CEL 20%
DEF 0%
RES 0%
VIT 10%
FAI 0%

Class Bonus: STR +3, WIL +3, CEL +2

Pole Dancer | Innate
You don't just simply swing your pole. You move with it and carry the momentum from your body to it. Passively increases your CEL base on rank when wielding a polearm and an increase in its damage if you have no other weapons equipped.
Rank 1: +1 CEL if wielding polearm, +2 damage
Rank 2: +1 CEL if wielding polearm, +2 damage
Rank 3: +1 CEL if wielding polearm, +2 damage

Cornered Fox | Innate
A cornered fox is more dangerous than a jackal. Whenever you cannot move more than two squares and at any time when you are adjective to the end of the battlefield, you gain SKI and STR bonus base on rank until you can move over two squares or you are no longer adjective to the end of the battlefield.
Rank 1: Learn skill, +1 STR and SKI
Rank 2: +3 STR and SKI
Rank 3: +5 STR and SKI

Purity | Innate
You're difficult to influence when you are the most one with self. As long as you don’t have any beneficial status effects besides aura, you gain increased resistance against luck-based status effects base on rank.
Rank 1: 10% Resistance against luck-based negative effects
Rank 2: 15% Resistance against luck-based negative effects
Rank 3: 20% Resistance against luck-based negative effects

Broader Harvest | Passive
Spear Skill. Using the length of a polearm in a sweep, it strikes at more than one target. Attacks with polearms gain +2 vertical range and preforms its attack on multiple targets.
Rank 1: Learn Skill
Rank 2: Equipping this skill does not take up a Skill pool slot.
(Note for Dev: It’s like the sweeper axe’s range.)

Zealous Stride | Passive
Where ever you go, your energy follows. When on the pursuit, charge, dance or movement towards the enemy, you take the force of your twisted charge into the blows. Melee attacks gains an increase in damage base on rank per 3 squares of movement for one round or until the next attack.
Rank 1: +1 Damage per 3 squares
Rank 2: +2 Damage per 3 squares
Rank 3: +3 Damage per 3 squares
Rank 4: +4 Damage per 3 squares
Rank 5: +5 Damage per 3 squares

Move with the Rhythm | Passive
To some enemies, It's hard to dodge the strikes before them. But It's even harder to dodge when it's coming at full force from a distance as it picks up in speed. Melee attacks gains an increase in Hit base on rank per 3 squares of movement for one round or until the next attack.
Rank 1: +1 Hit per 3 Squares
Rank 2: +3 Hit per 3 Squares
Rank 3: +5 Hit per 3 Squares
Rank 4: +7 Hit per 3 Squares

Dance of Death| Passive
When you move, you swirl, circle and swing your weapons along with you. Has a chance equal to your CEL/X + an increase base on rank to deal damage equal to WPN power to enemies when crossing them during movement. Damage type is the same as the weapon. This skill cannot hit someone who was hit by it already in the same round.
Rank 1: Chance: CEL/4 + 2%
Rank 2: Chance: CEL/4 + 4%
Rank 3: Chance: CEL/3 + 6%
Rank 4: Chance: CEL/3 + 8%
Rank 5: Chance: CEL/2 + 10%

Auto Aura | Passive
A toggle skill. When on, at the start of battle, you automatically use the first Reaping Dancer aura equipped in your skill pool on yourself.
Rank 1: Learn skill
Rank 2: Aura does not cost FP
Rank 3: Equipping this skill does not take up a Skill Pool slot.

Sustain| Passive
A toggle skill. Allow any aura on you to end or not when using a Reaping Dancer skill. Second effects of Reaping Dancer skills will not activate if toggled on and any auras will not end. Auras still end on their own when duration expires.
Rank 1: Learn skill

Vow of Tenacity | Utility | Aura | M3 | Targets Self
You invoke a vow of tenacity and allow your willpower to keep you fighting onward. For 5 rounds, X% (base on Rank) of damage is reduced and converted into FP cost. This aura ends automatically if your FP reaches zero. When the duration ends or is forcefully ended, it inflicts LV 15 weakness to all within 2 range for 2 rounds. Weakness lowers all stats by LV/5. (You can only have one aura on at a time. If you use another aura or the same, the last one automatically ends to no effect. Auras have no effect if you’re wearing light or heavy armor.)
Rank 1: Learn skill, 45 FP, 5%
Rank 2: 40 FP, 10%
Rank 3: 35 FP, 15%
Rank 4: 30 FP, 20%
Rank 5: 25 FP, 25%

Arcane Might | Utility | Aura | M3 | Targets Self
You invoke your willpower into your physical strength. Your basic attacks with melee weapons deals extra damage equal to your WIL/4 for 5 rounds. When the duration ends or is forcefully ended, it deals unresistable wind damage equal to your WIL to all within 2 range of you. This skill has no effect with guns. (You can only have one aura on at a time. If you use another aura or the same, the last one automatically ends to no effect. Auras have no effect if you’re wearing light or heavy armor.)
Rank 1: Learn skill, 30 FP
Rank 2: 25 FP
Rank 3: 20 FP

Aura of Thorns | Utility | Aura | M3| Targets Self
Upon nature’s blessing, surround yourself in an aura of fragile thorns that scatter about on disruption. For 5 rounds, when attacked, deals earth damage (base on rank) to all enemies in melee range. When the duration ends or is forcefully ended, it deals piercing damage equal to WIL/2 to all within 5 range of you and spouts 3 random flowers randomly around within its range. (You can only have one aura on at a time. If you use another aura or the same, the last one automatically ends to no effect. Auras have no effect if you’re wearing light or heavy armor.)
Rank 1: Learn skill, FP 20, On Attacked: Deals 2 unresistable Earth damage to enemies in melee range
Rank 2: On Attacked: Deals 4 unresistable Earth damage to enemies in melee range
Rank 3: On Attacked: Deals 6 unresistable Earth damage to enemies in melee range
Rank 4: On Attacked: Deals 8 unresistable Earth damage to enemies in melee range
Rank 5: On Attacked: Deals 10 unresistable Earth damage to enemies in melee range

Earthbound Movement| Utility | Aura | M3 | Targets Self
Steady and bind your movement to the ground to make yourself potentially unmovable. Gain immunity to effects base on rank for 5 rounds. When the duration ends or is forcefully ended, it clears the battlefield of all traps, firestorms, cinders, and icesheets within 4 range around you. (You can only have one aura on at a time. If you use another aura or the same, the last one automatically ends to no effect. Auras have no effect if you’re wearing light or heavy armor.)
Rank 1: Learn skill, FP 20, Immunity to Knockdown affects
Rank 2: Immunity to movement ending affects
Rank 3: Immunity to push back effects

Rending Aura | Utility| Aura | M3| Targets Self
Imbue your weapons with an aura that seeks only to destroy. Weapons gain weapon power base on rank for 5 rounds. When the duration ends or is forcefully ended, it deals slashing damage equal to WPN power to all within 3 range of you. This skill does no effect with guns. (You can only have one aura on at a time. If you use another aura or the same, the last one automatically ends to no effect. Auras have no effect if you’re wearing light or heavy armor. )
Rank 1: FP 26, +2 weapon power
Rank 2: FP 21, +4 weapon power
Rank 3: FP 16, +6 weapon power

Ghost Jumper | Utility | M2 | Targets Self
For 1 round, whenever you use movement you teleport each three squares you travel, to the end of your destination. Movement does not trigger anything, even area effects, at this time. Reaping Dancer passives are inactive for the movement. If an aura is active on you, end it and allow Reaping Dancer Passives to have an effect.
Rank 1: Learn Skill, 30 FP

Aura Destruction | Offensive | M4 | Range: Circle (2) | Targets Enemies |
Requires Aura to be active on you. Dismiss your aura into a destructive force. Ends your aura and causes damage equal to WIL + bonus on rank. The damage is split between Earth and Wind
Rank 1: 30 FP, Damage: WIL+10
Rank 1: 27 FP, Damage: WIL+15, +1 Range
Rank 1: 24 FP, Damage: WIL+20
Rank 1: 21 FP, Damage: WIL+25, +1 Range

Wounding Sweep | Offensive| Targets Enemies
Spear Skill. Take your polearm and impale the target's body or whatever they have. Deals WPN power + STR/2 with a bonus damage base on rank if the target isn’t wearing heavy armor. If an aura is activated on you at this time, end it and inflict LV X (base on Rank) lingering damage for 3 rounds. Lingering damage inflicts unresistable damage equal to LV each round. (The damage type is the same of the weapon that caused it.)
Rank 1: Learn Skill, 30 FP, +2 Bonus Damage, LV 5 Lingering Damage
Rank 2: 27 FP, +4 Bonus Damage, LV 10 Lingering Damage
Rank 3: 24 FP, +6 Bonus Damage, LV 15 Lingering Damage
Rank 4: 21 FP, +8 Bonus Damage, LV 20 Lingering Damage
Rank 5: 18 FP, +10 Bonus Damage, LV 25 Lingering Damage

Ballet Counter | Offensive | M1 | Targets self
For 1 round, If someone moves out of an adjective space from you, you automatically perform a basic attack. Doesn’t work if you’re the one to move out of reach or if something other than the enemy's own movement moves them.
Rank 1: Learn skill, 8 FP
Rank 2: Equipping this skill does not take up a Skill Pool slot.

Reap Enchantment | Offensive | M3 | Targets Enemies
Spear Skill. Reap the target of its wealth of power and bring it to its true knees. Performs a basic attack that also has a chance base on rank to end a random beneficial status effect if the attack makes a connection. If an aura is activated on you at this time, end it and one random stat from the target acts as its base for 3 rounds (Can effect multiple stats).
Rank 1: Chance: WIL+5%
Rank 2: Chance: WIL+10%
Rank 3: Chance: WIL+15%
Rank 4: Chance: WIL+20%
Rank 5: Chance: WIL+25%

Witching Sweep | Offensive | M3 | Targets Enemies
Spear skill. A sweep that defies all in its way to make its strike. Performs a basic attack that does not trigger enemy effects that activate when you attack with this skill. This skill cannot be unusable with the expectation of not enough FP or Momentum.
Rank 1: 10 FP, +1 Hit
Rank 2: 12 FP, +5 Hit
Rank 3: 14 FP, +10 Hit
Rank 4: 16 FP, +15 Hit
Rank 5: 18 FP, +20 Hit

Whirl Wind | Offensive | M3 | Targets Enemies
Spear Skill. Grab the end of your polearm and swing it around. Deals STR/2 + WPN power + Bonus on Rank to all within 1 squares + the weapon’s range. If an aura is active on you, end the aura and deal bonus unresistable wind damage base on rank.
Rank 1: +4 Damage, +10 Wind Damage
Rank 2: +10 Damage, +20 Wind Damage
Rank 3: +16 Damage, +30 Wind Damage

Makes use of battlefield movement
Allows Polearms to be a lot more useful
Sweeps away crowds of enemies better than most melee classes
Not something an enemy would want to run from
It can be fun

Traps and robots, along with other effects on the battlefield, are a hassle.
Requires both WIL and STR for it to be at its peak
Can be very situational
Uses tons of FP
It is its own worse enemy
Requires you to play your cards right


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