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Group Idea: Goon Squad
What you're suggesting is already happening, and has been happening for years to various degrees of success and catastrophic fallout. We already have player-made 'Villains', per say, who are always looking for a fight if they can get their hands on it, it only takes poking one over Discord, or venturing away from the mainland to see it.

What these morally grim characters typically get by from, is by sticking with other like-minded characters, which all exist in places like Law's End, or other places they aren't typically persecuted. Some of these characters are even several OOC years old at this point, because their players took the smart route, instead of the bombastic route, which isn't necessarily the most entertaining way, but this is a dog-eat-dog game, and the villains tend to be the weaker dog in most cases.

What you're proposing, is most easily done through communication and scheduling, to make things fair and simplistic to handle. It can never, ever, exist successfully without it, believe me, players have been directly ex-communicated from trying to spring it on others. It isn't pleasant, and I highly suggest it isn't tried, for everyone's sanity's sake.

If your characters want to make noise, then that's certainly their own choice, but nobody wants to deal with a two-bit re-purpose, or a faceless mook. There's no danger, or reward in that, and it's most certainly just a tedious grind until the big boss shows up at the end, particularly if this is done publicly to a degree. This goes double-so for guards. Having been one for almost three years total, personally, nothing feels worse than getting a ping about four masked goons invading the square, because 8/10 times, there's nothing you can do about it. The squad is prepared, and you aren't.

Most guards don't have fun, being a guard, because it's a chore. We deal with the goonies of the week, every week, all the time, with no breaks. And it gets tiresome without an end in sight. But that's what we signed up for-- we're literally the fun police, designed to be good at our jobs. And doing something (Particularly in the Empire) will quickly make it impossible to continue it.

As Sawrock said, we unfortunate face the grim reality that villains, in SL2, are bound to lose and die, while the heroes suffer no real risk unless they, themselves, agree to it prior. So either you gather a group of powerful PvPers, or you exclusively do event/RP-based battles, which would take away from the overall accessibility from the situation both in terms of who you include, and who can interact with them at a time.

To sum up what I really mean:

The idea is fine, but it needs communication and planning with people who are alright with the type of idea it is. It isn't for everyone, and they shouldn't be forced to endure it, if they don't want to.

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