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Evasions' days are numbered
There's not much new to add to the conversation, many points have been made already, so I'll simply list what I think is to be the cause, and potential solution by picking from the thread more or less. Feel free to skip to the bolded part if you're keeping up with the thread.

Balance has been shifting away from hit requirements to more and more autohit love. Evidenced by how many classes that were formerly the physicals got magic autohits, new classes being practicaly mostly about the autohits, etcetera.

Rather than to look at biggest offenders, the anomalies in terms of big damage numbers, or excessive utility and tone them down to be in line with others, we're currently just ignoring that stuff, and seemingly rather buffing up the other end of spectrum, the rather underwhelming ones. Which of course results in higher and higher numbers getting produced. (WG is still practicaly untouched. Custom spells are incredibly overtuned, etc. Disclaimer, it's a prevailent trend but not a rule!!!)

Armor rework stripped away the option for people to be evasive and have decent defensive stats, since ones end-result of DR is moreso reliant on armor itself and skill-related DR. You're practicaly forced to exploit the classes that give you those. (Ghosts wraithguard, Monks BoI, rogues evasion buff) if you wish to have some degree of survivability as a dodgie.

How to fix? Well, even under the assumption that I'm on-point with the specific reasons picked out from the thread and they are purely to blame, just rolling back is not an option anymore. It'd not be an elegant solution at all.

Main difference between a dodgie and a tank is how many mistakes you can afford to make. Both can build ridiculous damage, so let's remove it from the equation and focus purely on their defensive play.
Dodgies are meant to be high risk, high reward, while the tanks are the sure results.
High risk, high reward can translate to "If shit goes my way, I take much less damage than a tank would. If shit does NOT go my way, I'm getting wrecked." That is how it has been, non?

And with RNG being effectively purged from the game little by little, doesn't evasion become just plain ol' DR with a slight bit of chance based shenanigans involved? And options to absolutely delete it.
fucks sake get to the point already

This is why I suggest that the current way evade works is abandoned. Or enhanced. Hit vs Evade with the people that still basic attack seems to fine as far as I can tell? But the main issue comes with autohits. To make a change that would negate the word autohit (ie giving the option for them to completely miss) is a drastic and not elegant change.

But, what about some form of a trait that'll show your dedication to dodging? High risk, high reward. Something like a chance based enhanced evasion, autohits merely grazing you, giving you some massive DR. HOWEVER. With some form of a downside. Does your SWA get a percentage reduce? Does your normal dr plumett? Do you get limited stacks per battle?

tl;dr Evade needs to start feeling like something else than just DR again.

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