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Youkais r us
I personally advocate for the suffering of summoners. Grind hard, get good gains. People grind longer and harder for less things. (See: Items and gear for builds if they don't have friends to toss them stuff or probably transfer murai around to buy it from whatever person happens to have said goods.)

So personally, I think that's a part of the job. After all, Bonder is an option and you should put in at least some effort to get your gains. I'd be worried if a Grand Summoner didn't work hard to get all their youkai where they are.

At best, i'll say give them a full clear bonus as well if they were summoned within a battle in the BDP as a whole. But then you'd probably just summon storm once and then summon whichever ones you missed or storm again then only use your main DPS Youkai until further notice. Hardly any extra effort added.

So pretty much iffy on that.

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