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Youkais r us
iStabOreos post_id=40069 time=1591719753 user_id=347 Wrote:Restating this again, this is about youkai exp gain, not your own exp gain from Green gear, tactician, experience from combat training, and deja vu and vera wa. We're talking about youkai, you know the other shit we grind up to level 60.

The beings that really only get

Tutor for their exp gain.

What you're sitting there and suggestion is nothing more than a temporary band-aid, not a fix to an issue stated in the thread just a "Well, here's how I grind my youkai with my build."

The whole point here is, and I stress to tell you to stay focus, cause I know that's hard to do: Should youkai while grinding gain full clear bonuses in dungeons to make grinding them a bit faster especially at the level 50 mark when you need an exorbitant amount of exp for them to gain a single level, this is with the aid the massage that you can only do for one youkai every IC day.

The answer being yes, no specific build, no vera wa or deja vu which doesn't help the youkai at all. No Green Gear because of all of these FACTORS INTO THE PLAYER's EXP and not the monster you're grinding, dummy.

Bro, I was literally saying that with Tutor, and me only having Deja Vu as my EXP Increase, I literally only get 10% more EXP than my Youkai do. And simply don't have much trouble with grinding due to that. I literally even said that new players aren't gonna go and do what I do thus the full clear meme should probably be implemented. But it's still an option to plan ahead all the same.

I was more trying to get the point across that the time spent grinding and still keeping up with your youkai due to a literal 10% EXP gain Difference + Full Clear Bonuses has only amounted to a total of on average, an extra hour of work for grinding all my usually 12 youkai to 60 alongside me.

I'm not disagreeing at all with the fact that they probably should get more ways to get EXP since I was saying that i'm likely affected from the fact that I already know how to grind, thus this affects my perception of this shit.

Hence why I felt it necessary to mention. More so as a 'This is what I do, and thusly don't suffer but wait a minute, that's stupid. Why must one have to do this? reality check kind of deal. Was less of a suggestion in that regard.

iStabOreos post_id=40069 time=1591719753 user_id=347 Wrote:The whole point here is, and I stress to tell you to stay focus, cause I know that's hard to do: Should youkai while grinding gain full clear bonuses in dungeons to make grinding them a bit faster especially at the level 50 mark when you need an exorbitant amount of exp for them to gain a single level, this is with the aid the massage that you can only do for one youkai every IC day.

The answer being yes, no specific build, no vera wa or deja vu which doesn't help the youkai at all. No Green Gear because of all of these FACTORS INTO THE PLAYER's EXP and not the monster you're grinding, dummy.

And again. I already said yes overall. And specific builds merely help with lowering the time you have to grind since all you do is have to summon youkai then y'know. Kill things like normal. Thus the summoner being able to kill enemies in an effective and timely manner naturally lowers the suffering in that regard. I'm not sure where the rest of that came from, personally.

Since I literally stated that I was lacking everything besides Deja Vu for a reason. The mere fact that i'm capable of still grinding normally while still being as speed-effective overall is the point at hand.

Now, correct me if i'm wrong but i'm almost positively sure that the Youkai need the same exact amounts of EXP as a player for all their levels. And to my knowledge, they don't get naturally split EXP, but rather just don't get any EXP Bonuses besides Tutor which goes up to 15% additional EXP. I don't know if they get Battle Bonuses that give you more at the end of a fight. Likely not.

So. Once again.

Just make it so that if you summon a youkai in a BDP, it's viable for the full dungeon clear bonus.
Make Laplace Quests also give your youkai EXP.

For the reason of. And I must stress this quite a bit. It is possible to keep up with them but immensely unrealistic to expect that of a new player or an already existing summoner due to the fact of the matter being this requires knowledge of the game and the gear to do so in a timely manner. Possibility Overall =/= No need for change.

Is there any more confusion. Since I'd imagine that i'm not wording things right still.

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