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(Writers Read Me Please) What do you want from Roleplay?
Oh hey, it's finally a Revy post. For the first time EVER.

What I WANT from RP is meaningful interactions and to feel actually welcome in scenes. To feel like my characters don't just make up the numbers - in groups or in RP that I actually get on to get into, Slice of Life or otherwise. Genres? Don't mind anything. I love my horror, I love my creepiness, I love mysteries, I love LOVE. I love conflict (when it's not OOC driven, ie, "I don't like this person, let's go in on them"), and so on-- List goes on. You wanna do it? I will usually wanna do it. So long as it doesn't require an overthetop PvP build/A BUILD AT ALL to be/stay relevant in things.

When I log on, I want to be absolutely sure I'll actually get some RP out of the time spent, which used to be probably to my own detriment a lot before since it led to not bothering to come on because it "felt" like it was a waste of time and effort, and likely led to me being left out of a lot in the past. Similar to what Jupi said in his opinions, I too feel really easily demotivated when my concepts flop or my characters end up not really going anywhere, or posts themselves end up just going unacknowledged. Thissss... has led to making far too MANY concepts/characters that I THINK are interesting, but then end up not really having the love put in that they need... That, or they never really end up growing attached to anything that can help them grow and then end up kinda discarded.

As for style? I try to just write as much as I feel like I can, even if I get nervous that people'll dislike longer posts because of something I was told long ago, and often, I don't care what I get back so long as it's not just a single word response like "OK." "Cool." etc, or so long as the RP doesn't go completely unnoticed and those who were RP'd at just go and leave without a response. That kind of thing is a huge mood killer...

What I'd LIKE to be known for is for being someone who can help others with whatever they need from time to time in a non-mechanical sense. And someone who makes people laugh! Comedic characters're great, and having people enjoy them with you is the best.

I hope this doesn't sound like complaints or anything like that, just been working on my two cents on things for a while while trying to move...
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Marking my third year of SL2 (I still feel like I made my first character yesterday)

What I look for in RP is to have fun with everyone involved as much as I can.

  1. Writing Styles 

    All of the above I guess? It heavily depends on the situation but I really don't mind any- Although, I still need to find a balance of my Own writing style. Sometimes I get carried away with my paragraphs if my character is feeling a certain way and it turns off people around me and reading it can be a chore, and sometimes I feel like I don't write enough when it's a big scene and everyone else is writing huge paragraphs and my brain can't give me more than 2 lines. So I hope those who RP with me didn't have their immergence ruined as I admit I'm quite shit at maintaining a sweet spot sometimes. (It certainly felt like I ruined alot of people's immergence alot in the past and I apologize for that)

  2. Genres

    Any and everything is welcome really! I always saw RPing growing up as an experience you learn from each time you have a session and the such while having as much fun as you can (Christ I think I've been RPing in general for almost 10 years now and I'm still this bad), and the core of Playing a Role is well, playing a role, so I try to juggle everything while still trying to find what exactly is my limit, no one is perfect, I especially am far from perfect lmao.

  3. Development

    Development is really important, it shapes your character after you've made them. I don't ask for big-boi development 24/7 even if they're REALLY fun, small developments can be really nice and warm too. I try to keep my characters and rping open to any and everything, rping anywhere that makes sense for my char to be in, with anyone, etc, so I always look forward to the adventures that are about to come in the future (Obviously, there are exceptions of things that make me extremely uncomfortable that don't need to be said). Maybe I'm letting Jesus take the wheel too much? Who knows.

    One of my best characters, if not my best character- Marco- his development really hit hard with me and those who RP'd with him from what I hear, big or small. Me and Karidan crying in each other's DMs at 4AM aside, when I found out just how many people geniuenly were sad when he went away made me feel proud of a character I made for once, I felt like the development he received by interacting with the people of the world mattered, he felt like the local little brother that loved everyone and everyone loved him back (for the most part), it made me feel like while others helped me with his development I may have helped with their development too even if it's a wee bit, and I love that, even if your character knows mine by a little and I feel bad for their death and my character is affected, then be proud, your development was worthwhile.

  4. What do I want to be known for...?

    Fuck, this is a tough one. I guess people know me for how shitty my first character was (Ben) and how he almost got arrested over a shit joke, or how overly shounen and dumb he was. Others know me for playing Marco and having him play instruments in a concert with Yakin in Cellsvich. And others know me for being a Memey Edgelord with the IQ of a peanut.
    I guess I don't really care what I'm known for, I do care about if I scare people away though, It's not my intent and I seem to appear very passive-aggressive in the eyes of many, or a memey idiot in the eyes of others. If my character is taking you out of the mood or you don't like them? Tell me, by God tell me, I want to improve and I can't without knowing my mistakes. I try to take every bit of criticism with an open mind so come call me a fucking idiot in my DMs every once in a while!

          Whiny McBitchBaby
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