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Jammer Cavern Chests
Recently when I was on a new character I found that the chests in the Jammer Cavern (Nub Cave) were not present. Given the fact I had leveled them up to 50+ before taking them there, I thought it may have just been an instance spawned for higher levels until I reached the room with the Jammer Omega and the Chainshot Chest.

The presumed bug seems to only affect the static dungeon chests and I haven't been able to reproduce it, I forgot to screenie it but relogging fixed the problem immediately.

P.S. From what I can tell, the chests were still there just their icons would not load. I.E. When I tried to move to the square that the Chainshot Chest was on it would not let me as if the square was still being occupied.
Also Known As:
Exxy Izzy
Very odd. Sadly my one idea of making a character and going straight to the chests didn't work (meaning I thought it might've been for freshly created characters).

If you ever find out how to reproduce it, let me know.
I've encountered this before, myself, and it ended up being a cache issue. Clearing my cache fixed it. I don't know how to actually reproduce it, it just seems to occasionally happen.

I was a newbie at the time and didn't know there was actually supposed to be an Omega chest/ chainshot/etc. People thought I was an incorrigble derp.

... the more things change, the more they stay the same, eh?
*loud burp*

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