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PSA: Shady Stuff - Important Read
So, as many of you know due to much appreciated assistance with the matter, someone in the community has been doing something highly unacceptable.

In case the reader doesn't want to see all of the details, here's the short version- look up your characters in a search engine, as it's possible they've been directly lifted elsewhere.

Now, the longer, and frankly creepier version. I was informed last night of a Victoria Rockwell out there on a roleplay site, which I will not name in this post due to highly explicit content, but will PM if asked in the case that someone wishes to check for their characters there. Safe to say, this was not me. Now, this wasn't simply using the same name, but a direct copy. They'd quite literally taken the time to write out Vicky's description word for word, and look for her original, unedited images. Without going into detail on this next part, certain parts of the profile indicated personal knowledge of my mannerisms, and showed they weren't afraid to broadcast that.

Whilst some of this indicates that this was likely personally targeted at me, I feel as though it's very important that the rest of you know, for your own safety.
When this person was confronted, they disappeared fast. This may have stopped, but I can't be sure.

Thank you again to everyone who assisted me with this last night. I couldn't have made as much progress without you all. By far.
Please, go take a look to see if any of you have been targeted also, everyone. Stay safe.
All information pointed to this being done within the past two days. This is something actively occurring.
Balthie, can I ask why this is an issue? I am sorry, but I see the point on what's been done wrong. They at least put it somewhere that isn't on SL2. Honestly, if the person feels violated, I don't blame them. But they did it to their character, not them directly.

But, that's just my point of view and my lack of understanding.
"[url= Wrote:AudioFreakXD » Sun Jan 17, 2016 2:47 pm[/url]"]Balthie, can I ask why this is an issue? I am sorry, but I see the point on what's been done wrong. They at least put it somewhere that isn't on SL2. Honestly, if the person feels violated, I don't blame them. But they did it to their character, not them directly.

But, that's just my point of view and my lack of understanding.
Today kids, we're going to learn about slander, libel, and plagiarism

Essentially what is going on, without knowing full context of the RP from the site Balthie mentioned, is somebody is using her character, picture for picture, word for word, in ways that are proving to be slanderous. The issue is, is that someone in the SL2 community has decided to take what was probably an OOC dislike for Balthie/Victoria, and gone somewhere else to slander their likeness so as to avoid SL2 punishment.

Even if it's done with a character's likeness, it is still a direct attack against the player as well, to use the likeness they've created in its' entirety. It's a form of plagiarism, and by context of the site, probably for nefarious action.
Thank you for clarifying things for the previous poster, Aquadragon. Evidently he missed the part about personal information or mannerisms.
And the part where the point of this post is, in fact, to inform /others/ that this could be an ongoing issue for them.

In any case, this is meant to be a PSA, not a discussion board. Thank you.

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