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[Fallcall] Borked Bellowing
Scarebear's turn.
Tara Weiss-Etrama takes 47 Sound damage.
Tara Weiss-Etrama was frightened by the bellowing!
Scarebear's turn.
Scarebear's turn.
Tara Weiss-Etrama takes 123 Sound damage.

Fallcall passively does... double damage when the opponent is feared, right? As in... double of 47... for... 123- I'm sorry wait what!?

Yes. It was two different scarebears. No, I didn't get to examine their exact stats because I died. But this is closer to triple (141) than double (96), which seems a tad outlandish to be chalked up to simple stat variance (nearly a 1.5x difference!?) Yes, I know bellow gives the user "Roar" but this second scarebear was not under the effect!

EDIT: Confirming that I checked again. Bellow is 10+ Level. The scarebears on that floor were level 66. Considering I likely had 27-36 res at the time (Based on installs, etc) the above damages actually seem fairly okay despite me being too lazy to crunch the numbers. The issue came, once again, from the description throwing me off by saying "double DAMAGE" and not "DOUBLE BASE BEFORE MODIFIERS." You know, my usual "aaaand invalidating resistance" argument.

Going to mark this as solved without deleting it in case someone else finds something IS wrong with it,
*loud burp*
Fallcall does in fact boost the damage before resistance.

So you were taking 152 damage.

Since you took 47 before from what I assume was a non-miniboss bear, that means you had 29 RES at the time.

152 - 29 = 123.

So this isn't really a bug unless Fallcall isn't supposed to be working like that--I do agree on the point that this is silly considering even stacking RES like a mother fucker you'll still get slapped for 100 damage if you get double-beared. But that's beside the point.

Just posting to clarify.

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