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The Door is Barred from the Other Side
I feel like I've talked about houses and barring and shit way too much for one person, but, I had this thought while I was laying in bed waiting for sleep to hit me like some bricks yesterday.
This isn't directed at anybody, I've actually had barely any issues with other players recently. Js.

I think we should be able to bar people from houses without them actually being in there. It'd be less... aggressive than hoping and waiting for them to walk back in just to instantly kick them out. And I know some people are/would be kinda bitchy when it happens, as well as people that have anxiety being unable to do it while they're there (because yes, coming from someone with diagnosed anxiety, that is indeed something that can happen).
I dunno. It just sounds like a less confrontational (for the lack of a better word) way of keeping people out imo.
But just, a button on the guest list to add barred people, type in their key and slot. Wouldn't be too hard, I think. But then again, I ain't got no idea how coding works.
[Image: da4KzKk.png]
I support this.
Not because I feel like people with hurtie feelings will be hurtie slightly less because I decided to be a jackass and completely bar them from my home.
The situations where barring someone's completely fine is if they're just terrible roleplayer, there to just ruin roleplay or being a LRD. Otherwise it's pretty questionable if there weren't any better ways to deal with it. You know. Like roleplaying. (So serves you right for them anxieties n shit. Being an ass is adrenaline, enjoy iiiiit)
I also support this, it really has nothing to do with me personally but it does seem like a good idea because there are people who enter houses just to be obnoxious, and there aren't always the right people in the house to ban them.
Addendum: Maybe having a guest list of recent visitors with the option to bar would be enough, too. That'd take the impracticality of having to know the key and slot out of the situation.
I wrote the main topic while I was tired and didn't consider this at the time.
[Image: da4KzKk.png]

I have an estate with live-in servants. This means multiple "open" (not locked to the owner) storage units for people to keep their personal belongings. If even a single person forgets to lock the servants' quarters/entrance, some asshole can just come in and loot everything - which has indeed happened.

An option to bar people known to do this (like people bragging about it in OOC) without camping out waiting for them to enter? We need it.
*loud burp*
You need the key and character slot of the person you want to bar which could be a bit of an issue if you don't know one or both of those.
"[url= Wrote:Neus » Sat Mar 26, 2016 10:00 am[/url]"]You need the key and character slot of the person you want to bar which could be a bit of an issue if you don't know one or both of those.

Which is why the guest-list idea I posted would've been better in comparison, but if they're bugging you that much within the confines of your house, there's a likely chance you'll know their key. Of course, that doesn't go for everyone, but it's a step going somewhere for those who do.
[Image: da4KzKk.png]

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