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Not-so special attack
When it comes to the trait: Maneuver: Special Attack, there are a lot of really cool options to every weapon using these, Axes being able to fight multiple things at once in 1 range, Spear being able to do the same, Fists being able to hit a tile in 2 range, Tomes being able to cut an enemy's action by 1 whole action, Guns being able to condense all their shots into 1 and get extra critical damage, all of that is REALLY cool, but when it comes to Swords and Daggers, they are very lack luster.

Slash: Do slash damage with a dagger
Thrust: Do pierce damage with a sword

Those are honestly pretty...un-worthwhile has special attacks, I just want to make a suggestion for them to change slightly to be more worth it to get, and synergize better with various classes..

For Swords, I couldn't come up with many, but the one I thought about suggesting was a basic attack that would your enemy airborne, when used, the main point of this is getting fleur bonuses while also knocking an enemy airborne, ways this could be used is something like...Wazabane -> Special Attack -> Sharenzan...a lot of synergy could come from this, other than equipping crane hop for easy 1m airbornes.

For daggers, a few things came to mind, but I couldn't decide on one, one was suggested to me as well and I liked that sorta..But the over-arching theme of them is that Daggers are in a really bad spot at this moment, because of tanks being strewn around everywhere, and I mean everywhere, and it doesn't help when they put their backs to walls, no VA can function when an enemy's back is to an invisible wall or bush or stump.

1.) Spin Around strike, strike the enemy with your dagger and if it crits, it would spin them to where their back is facing you, to substitute this, I would suggest this cost 4m

2.) Shuffling strike, Strike the enemy with your dagger and switch places with them.

Any thoughts?
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
Hm, I was thinking about that for a while aswell, that sword/dagger was really unimpressive compared to the others. When I was thinking about sword I kinda thought about a slash that causes bleeding. But that would probably work better with a Katana type and probably also only with those.

about your suggestion for sword, it´s better as it´s now but still kinda not worthwhile I mean...If you use the special you could also just use raijinken for sacred art, which is actually better even when it lifts yourself in air aswell and no crit(also no miss chance). Don´t get me wrong, it does give you some more options to combo, but I would personally prefer the deep cut thing that causes lingering/bleeding damage.
If it´s your thing If it also got a range of two tiles in a line, making you move one step, then I am in favor of it...because nothing annoyed me more as a Kensei, than the simple 1m bash that ruined half your combos(cause skill pool is a thing), forcing you to use spiked T. If this is an alternative to them I am for it aswell.
But yeah, it needs something better than just pierce damage.

About the dagger? Spin around sounds decent or anything that turns and enemy away from invisible wall hugging, that seriously something the dagger needs. From the two options, shuffle strike sounds cooler for the rp.

Or if differnt sub types actually got differnt specials, that would be neat.

In short:
Shuffle strike sounds neat.
the sword special not so much.
The sword one is not exactly just about the Rajinken -> Sharenzan combo, because in Wazabane -> Rajinken > Sharenzan, you're expending the Sacred art on the rajinken instead of the sharenzan, but anyway, Theres better possibilities with airborne compatable skills, like Typhur, Cold Front, Chaser, etc.

Sharenzan was an example more than anything, Incise is there for bleeds already but I won't exactly discern the idea.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
"Shujin" Wrote:anything that turns and enemy away from invisible wall hugging, that seriously something the dagger needs.

Anything to help fight putting backs to imaginary battle borders. I like these suggestions.
We're still only on Special Attack 1, so I'd like to see more added on as Special Attack 2's.
Quote:OOC Devourer Of Souls: She left me for WoW?! THIS IS BULLSHIT

Quote:Underwhelmed green-haired girl shouts "BITING EACH OTHER IS NOT A LIZARD SEX THING."
Quote:The sword one is not exactly just about the Rajinken -> Sharenzan combo, because in Wazabane -> Rajinken > Sharenzan, you're expending the Sacred art on the rajinken instead of the sharenzan, but anyway, Theres better possibilities with airborne compatable skills, like Typhur, Cold Front, Chaser, etc.

Sharenzan was an example more than anything, Incise is there for bleeds already but I won't exactly discern the idea.
Yeah I know, there are a good variety of combination, It´s certainly better than what we got now. Incise is good and nice, but I personally would like a bleeding effect avaiable for the non soldiers aswell. But as I am saying, thats just my personal opinion, I just never pick Special attack as it currently is because the stab is just, as you say, not so special and not worth a trait point.

Quote:We're still only on Special Attack 1, so I'd like to see more added on as Special Attack 2's.
Doesn´t mean that we have to make special attack 1 useless for two weapons. I would say that we fix those first before we got to special attack two.
(Swords should be precise and skillful, they have enough size to control the enemy, unlike daggers that require speed and flashyness.)
Cost: 3 M
Hurricane Slash:
- A 2 square mini-sidecut [No, nothing related to sidecut and flotterment, please!] that slices through the enemy and stops on their back, dealing pierce damage.
>Makes the enemy Airborne, if you're not. (?)
>Knocks the enemy down, if you're airborne. (?)

(Daggers should be flashy and speedy, they're short enough to be used multiple times, unlike swords that require precision and techinique.)
Cost: 4 M
Vicious Fray:
- 4 basic hits that uses CEL as damage instead of STR, dealing slash damage.
>Must be on the enemy's back. (?)
>If you miss one hit, the skill ends. [As in, you hit 2 times, but miss the third. Then it won't perform the fourth hit.] (?)

PS: Question marks are conditions to balance their uses, trying to make them situational.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
"Snake" Wrote:(Swords should be precise and skillful, they have enough size to control the enemy, unlike daggers that require speed and flashyness.)
Cost: 3 M
Hurricane Slash:
- A 2 square mini-sidecut [No, nothing related to sidecut and flotterment, please!] that slices through the enemy and stops on their back, dealing pierce damage.
>Makes the enemy Airborne, if you're not. (?)
>Knocks the enemy down, if you're airborne. (?)

(Daggers should be flashy and speedy, they're short enough to be used multiple times, unlike swords that require precision and techinique.)
Cost: 4 M
Vicious Fray:
- 4 basic hits that uses CEL as damage instead of STR, dealing slash damage.
>Must be on the enemy's back. (?)
>If you miss one hit, the skill ends. [As in, you hit 2 times, but miss the third. Then it won't perform the fourth hit.] (?)

PS: Question marks are conditions to balance their uses, trying to make them situational.

in what universe is four attacks that use a 100% of a stat that isn't luc/fai (even in those scenarios it'd be stupidly strong) for 4M sensible in any way
in what universe is an attack that pretty much gets you on the back of an enemy AND attacking him for 3M sensible. Atleast have some sort of a requirement, like OPs suggestion with crit or smthn.

you don't even use any FP at all for these.

at all

do you ever even read what you type

Anyway, the OP suggestions sound kinda nifty, the 4M would help migitate fleur shenanigans, however
as Miv said, we're still on Special attack 1. And as rare as those situations are, the special attack of sword/dagger is sometimes useful. Because it ain't easy to stack slash and pierce resist, so once you hit one of those...might be a good time to try the other, ya? (I actualy used it somewhat often.)
For Swords, I think a retreating swipe type of attack would be cool. Hit the enemy, and then step backwards.

For Daggers, maybe an attack that deals decreased damage, but has an increased chance to hit and/or crit? Like of like a reverse Headshot.
Retreating Swipe is literally already a skill.

A dagger attack that stabbed someone, then spun them around for 4-5 M would be good. Decreased damage, but has follow up on a crit.

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