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Preference: Control/ Control Turn Notification/ Ally Display
So. Total Control is a much needed godsend. Mercs are no longer almost completely useless/ downright detrimental, and even Youkai can be commanded to hang back and not melee something that will destroy them.

But, after playing around with it, I do see a few glaring issues.

1) There's no sound to indicate your turn if it's someone you control and not your actual character. Sometimes, it can be infuriating just blankly staring at the screen in parties with AFK people, so you change tabs and listen for the audio cue that it's your turn - and it never comes because it's a Merc's turn that you control.

Solution: Enable the sound effect on controlled characters' turns, for the "master" controlling them.

2) You cannot see the remaining hp/fp of your controlled ally without clicking on them to examine, which can at times be downright impossible to do. This can lead to very, VERY bad scenarios.

Solution: On a controlled Ally's turn, have their hp/fp bars displayed somewhere. Replacing your own would not be a good idea, but maybe BELOW yours?

3) A lot of the time, battles can be long and tedious. While Total Control is a much-needed change, it also makes battles take far longer, needing to input every single action manually. It gets to the point I actually found myself turning Mercs off in some dungeons despite not really being good enough to reliably solo, purely due to it being a waste of time.

Solution: A preference to enable Control or keep ally actions automated.
*loud burp*
For the HP issue, you can use the .dblclick command to double click anything that an overlay is preventing you from accessing.
I'd like to know what situations make it impossible to double click on them since I might be able to fix that.

As far as a total control toggle, I added a preference to the next update.
Thank you, Blues, for sharing a fix to that. I actually keep forgetting to use that macro.

Thank you, Dev, for the toggle preference.

As for what can make it impossible to click your Youkai/mercs:

- The hud itself cannot be hidden in battle, so they can get stuck under the menus or hp/fp bars.
- Sometimes the danger area glitches out and stays, so you can't click anything in the zone.
- Tall enemies, like Lizardmen and some bosses, hide characters behind them. (Lizardmen especially.)
- Pretty sure mist/fogs no longer do this, but I haven't used them lately so mentioning them just in case.
*loud burp*
Sometimes the Lantern buffs are doing this (treating the LB as the focus of the double click, no matter what you click on), and also when someone is using Move.
Quote:OOC Devourer Of Souls: She left me for WoW?! THIS IS BULLSHIT

Quote:Underwhelmed green-haired girl shouts "BITING EACH OTHER IS NOT A LIZARD SEX THING."
Thanks, Miv! I haven't used LB in a party in awhile so I forgot, and I don't even think about it not working during move anymore simply since it's just... ingrained and there and I'm used to it.

*thumbs up*
*loud burp*
The best solution I came up with for the moment is a new command in the battle bar command list; click it, select Check Party Status, select the person you want to examine, and it'll be just like double clicking on them. There might be a more elegant solution in the future but for now, at least this saves you some typing.

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