Poll: What would you like to see added the most?
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New Class
24 26.37%
New Skills (Existing Classes)
8 8.79%
New Traits
5 5.49%
New Talents
7 7.69%
New Legend Extend Abilities
5 5.49%
New Explorable Area (IE; Argentyle Caverns)
10 10.99%
New World Event (IE; Black Beast Attacks)
11 12.09%
New Minigame (IE; Yenten)
5 5.49%
New Quests
8 8.79%
Other (Specify)
8 8.79%
Total 91 vote(s) 100%
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Most Wanted List 4: Special Edition
This topic is for public vote and discussion of what you (yes, you!) the players want to see the most in game updates in the near(ish) future. So, read the options, and my post for clarification on those options, cast your vote, and discuss it a little if you like. While nothing voted for is guaranteed, and I reserve the freedom to pursue an area that might not even be mentioned in this topic, it is likely that I will use the results as a compass to help guide what I will work on in the near future.

You can choose up to 2 options, as per usual. I've also condensed a few options into one category, so if you vote for one of them but only want one part of it, you'll have to specify in the thread. If I've left something out you are also welcome to select 'Other' and elaborate in the thread, but keep in mind I am not really looking for -specific- ideas and more a general desire. I'm also going to describe the options in more detail below for once, along with things you may want to elaborate on in a post.

New Class
It's been a while, so this option suggests that you would like to see a new class added, almost certainly a promoted class for one of the classes which have not received a third one. If you want to specify which class in a post, you can do that.

New Skills (Existing Classes)
New skills for existing classes! You might want to post to specify which class(es) rather than me guessing.

New Explorable Area
The example given is the Argentyle Caverns, which was a somewhat big project, but I am willing to do more of these if people want to see them. Obviously I'm not looking for -specific- ideas, since those are what I come up with, but if you have anything else to say, post it!

New World Event
Things that happen at random somewhere in the world, like the BB attacks and the fishing contests. If you have any ideas for one, you are welcome to post it! Otherwise you can give a general idea of what you'd like it to be.

New Minigame
Probably best to specify what you'd like to see in a minigame if you choose this option!

New Quests
Quests are what they are. You've seen them in game. Most of the ones in the quest log are a bit more complicated than the lnet requests. If there's demand here, let me know!

Something that wasn't on the poll. You must make a post to specify what you want, otherwise I will have no idea and your time will have been for naught.
My votes are to new Talents and new Traits

Talents have been stagnate since the update that introduced new +growths to certain talents (March, Packrat, Preparation, Enchanting), and since I've began playing they've never changed. This isn't objectively bad, but, when most people's talent setup is typically the same across literally all their characters, there's an issue. Some talents are extremely powerful and or required to a degree (Capacity, Mancys, Preparation, March, -Devotion-) while others are so niche that only builds that specialize will take them (which isn't bad, and there should be more like this-- i.e. Expertises, Fluency past r1). Just off the top of my head, there could easily be talents for the remaining crafts that've yet to get one attributed to it (Woodworking, Tailoring, Tool-Crafting) or talents that support features implemented since they were first introduced (Fishing, Wood-cutting, Digging).

Traits face a similar issue, but, there's at least been the advent of a few new ones since I started playing. Of course, this did nothing to alleviate the similar issue with talents where there are many 'required' traits due to their usefullness (On Guard, Exceptional Health/Will, Blind Fighting, Tactician, Stability/Die Hard, Agile Feet/Afterimage, -SKIP-) , and this issue is MUCH worse in a way in that there's plenty of nigh useless traits scattered about (The many +1 SP traits, and Improvisation/Specialization to a degree, though the latter is slightly better now with Destiny existing)., meaning rarely will they be used due to how tight most people are with picking the 'best' traits. Even though the 'best' traits are generally. Well. Most of them beyond the +1 stat/sp ones. It, again, results in a lack of variety in most character's trait setups. Some easy suggestions I can think of for new ones would be similar to the ones I threw up for Talents, but, I feel like traits could do with some traits that cost more than 1 TP, since it seems this was planned at some point--something like giving an extra crafting level for a decent chunk of TP (3-5), or unique skills that can only be acquired by meeting certain pre-requisites (such as the many traits posted before here and here for example, something akin to a more specialized 'Special Attack' that only grants it for one weapon type.

Both of these would help make characters more diverse mechanically.
Posting to say "While ideally I'd want all of the above, I voted for more Explorabe Areas, and more World Events because worldbuilding is awesome." Sure, I'd love to see new classes and story events, but as an admittedly kinda washed up writer (writer's block is a thing) it's dissapointing to see all the lore not brought to it's full potential. Also because I know mechanical impacts like classes/traits/etc will likely be the most popular anyways.
*loud burp*
I still kind of want an MA promotion that does not do elemental damage, doesn't have multiple damage stats, and is maybe status based.
1,000 Counts of 27.
I'd love some more Discer options, maybe some things from the map editor or tiles from existing dungeons.

Any kind of minigame of chance would also be great. Roulette, or Go Fish, or something. Even chess would be great. Especially if it used the existing chess pieces we have, on a smaller scale or not.
[Image: themoreyoulearnandshit.gif]
[Image: 0jEzoZe.png]
Heavy Edit, Please Reread (All will be listed but in order of Intended Priority):

I would love to vote for a majority of things but in favor of adding new content I'd like to see a lot of things revised/balanced the best possible before seeing much of anything new (a few of the things I'd like to see reworked would be things like Talents, Traits, Skills/Classes and equipment).

Since there's no actual category for Revamps I'll be using my Other vote to hope for that. [strike]One such thing I'd love to see is a map rework to make Cellsvich more of a HUB Town rather than a place where everyone spawns in at and then rushes south to the Arena, but I'm not holding my breath.[/strike]

New Quest(s)

It's hard to not admit the "Main Story" plotline seems to have become stagnant at this point (that recent conversation with Kinu in the [strike]Onigan Inn[/strike] hardly sated anything). I would love to see the plot be taken further and to have new Overworld Side Quests to be added (maybe to Chaturanga this time, if not then Cellsvich).

New Explorable Area(s)

[strike]Egwyn when.[/strike] I would like to see new areas added, can't think of any at the moment though. *rolls beady eyes*

New World Event

I actually can't think of anything for this one, but I'd like it.

New Legend Extend Abilities

Same case in point, nothing really hits me at the moment but I'm sure I'll think of something.

New Traits

This goes back to the Other Tab but. . . Revising would be /really/ nice. Skip and Tactician are almost 100% essential no matter if you play for the PvP or the PvE, it'd be nice to see at -least- Skip be made into something that you have from Character Creation like Move or Attack. Also, can we rename "Special Attack 1" to "Special Attack"? That last one is more of a peeve than anything sensible.

Aside from that rant, one thing I'd like to see is a little more variety in our existing Historys (or just let us pick our %'s for crying-out-loud, [strike]something I'm famous for[/strike]). Maybe a Trait that ups Murai Gained per battle that is thrown into a Check on Luck (maybe like 20 or something). I would also like to see a few more Traits that operate off your Talents kind of how Barter does with Charisma. Will be sure to add more to this as I think of them.

New Talents

Same case in point, nothing really hits me at the moment but I'm sure I'll think of something.

New Skills

I would like to see a Crafting Skill for Dismantling (Maybe something small like a +5% increase per Level up to 100%, for multiples you stand to get the higher end of the spectrum the higher your Distmantling would be). . . and maybe a work area you can place in your home that can allow you to deconstruct equipment (as well as other static fixtures/NPCs other than [strike]Lawrence[/strike] Qwarence).

New Classes

I would like to see a Lance-based Advancement (Lancer/Dragoon) for Duelist, it's stupid that they specialize in Polearms yet both their advancements ignore this fact.

I'd also like to see one of two Advancements for the Mage Class: Rune Mage or Time Mage. The Rune Mage being able to cast invocations that take time (I.E. rounds/turns to cast) for a payoff and/or can place runes/glyphs (similar to the Lantern Bearer uses I suppose, but not quite the same) that affect the party or enemies or both, then the Time Mage who can affect the -perception- of Time (not Time itself).

[strike]New Minigame[/strike]

Already added.
Also Known As:
Exxy Izzy
I was really impressed with the addition of spellthief, it has it's advantages like the release of demon hunter, but I'm sure those will pan out very soon, I'm looking forward to even more classes if possible, because destiny characters benefit from these so much, its great.

I'm looking forwards the most toward new traits, that may be able to spice up a few ways to go head first into a dungeon, or a friendly spar, perhaps special attack 2, new racial traits (Throw one in for every race that doesn't have one already, Sharp Claws is a good one but its not a single-race specific, It'd be so cool.) and so forth, keep up the good work, I look forwards once more.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
I would like to see New classes that make sense, first and foremost.

Currently there is a lot of gaps in some classes that would just make logical sense to have a promotion to. We Have duelists that use polearms, but no Polearm class promotion? We have archers who seem rather agile and at long range... but promote to using guns and... heavy equipment? Currently even Curate too, feels lacking. I could argue mages are feeling lacking too, but that feels more an issue with the stat reworks rather than classes.

Some new classes I would like to see are the following.

Dragoon/Lancer(Duelist, Polearm weapons)
A heavy focus on Pole-arm weaponary, Light-Armor should be prefered to Unarmored or Heavy. Perhaps give it a Wind affinity (Since the Cyclone Spear attack exists) Or if you want to go with the Dragoon theme a bit more, Fire affinity. Because who doesn't like fire. Short-mid ranged attacks. I would like to see it function how dragoons do in FF 14, where it does optimal effects and damage when Comboing, or placing yourself in proper position to maximize a skills' effect.

Tempest Sniper(Archer, Bow weapons)
I would love to see a sniper class for Archers, especially if it had a gimmick with Wind, Wind just seems to go well with a sniper class. It's gimmick would be around minimal autohits, knocking opponents airborne for additional effects, and staying stationary while trying to pelt the opponent from a distance, movement skills should penalize some Sniper skills. Another class that should focus on Light Armor over the other varieties.

Boxer(MA, Fist Weapons)
I see this as a close range, high damage, high speed, but low defense and high FP costing tree focused on punching the crap out of things. Imagine if Little Mac was a thing in SL2. I mean we have a kick and ice focused class for Martial artists when their perfered weapons is FISTS, why is their not a FIST centric class? It should get a passive that grows stronger with each non-basic attack that is used, once you use your basic attack it unloads all that energy... I like Little mac in sm4sh, sue me.

Paladin(Curate, Axe/Polearms)
A tanky, healy class promotion for Curate, able to preform defensive options for the team, but also has access to curates healing abilities. Yes I know you can TECHNICALLY build a paladin-ish build with DH/BK and Priest/LB, but that's not as amazing as an actual Paladin class.

Exorcist(Curate, Sword/Fists/Axes)
Another curate promotion idea. This would be a class all about high holy offense. Take that Anti-thesis ability Curates get toward undead and vampires, and crank it up. They'd have attacks that scale heavily with LIGHT attack, and they'd be pretty fast and agile, but lack in defense. They'd have some offensive spells that would have bonus effects against vampires, liches, undead and possessed individuals.

I wonder I design a baseline for some of these class trees if Dev would consider adding them in...
"Vyktoryah" Wrote:Dragoon/Lancer(Duelist, Polearm weapons)
A heavy focus on Pole-arm weaponary, Light-Armor should be prefered to Unarmored or Heavy. Perhaps give it a Wind affinity (Since the Cyclone Spear attack exists) Or if you want to go with the Dragoon theme a bit more, Fire affinity. Because who doesn't like fire. Short-mid ranged attacks.

Tempest Sniper(Archer, Bow weapons)
I would love to see a sniper class for Archers, especially if it had a gimmick with Wind, Wind just seems to go well with a sniper class. It's gimmick would be around minimal autohits, knocking opponents airborne for additional effects, and staying stationary while trying to pelt the opponent from a distance, movement skills should penalize some Sniper skills. Another class that should focus on Light Armor over the other varieties.

Please give the former the ability to Hi-Jump! Leave the battlefield for a turn and come down stabbing. Especially if it's called 'dragoon.'

The latter sounds wonderful, and should likely have some skills designed to stay at range while not moving. Pinning shots to inflict Immobilize, or perhaps in keeping with the wind-elemental theme, a cyclone arrow that pulls people toward its epicentre. Something to get out when finally closed with would be nice as well -- but on a high enough cooldown that it isn't abusable. Perhaps a backward jump for 1 tile per rank in a straight line away from an enemy target in 1 range, that includes an 'updraft arrow' to send the target airborne, or act as the first player-available method of creating Air Shaft tiles?
New Explorable Area:
Alstalasia, since you have the map's layout done. I think it would be worth to invest some work there, and maybe add a 'reason' for a player to want to stick there, some sort of special arena that works on 'survival', instead of multiple single matches. (whenever it gets there, according to my other suggestion.) Or some exotic monsters that only exist there, the same way we have the Lizard Men located in Sigrogana's underground.

Egwyn is my second interest. with a few 'tribal-settings' that can be bought with a House Ticket or something like that. Even if the map is composed by only grass and trees with a coast for the boats to sail by. A florest-ish setting would be amazing, but that much map would take a big toll while the game is saving, so I'd say to not prioritize it, I guess.

Karaten is my third, I don't think a lot of people would want this to be prioritized, but it's on the scope, atleast. Some Mages need a place to call 'home'.

And with those three additions, whenever they're implemented, we can change the spawn points for Humans, Kaelensians and Zerans.

New World Event:
While not exactly being a 'world event', it would make things more dynamic and immersive, roleplay-wise. The game's slowly getting stale by the way the players manage it, always it being about how they want to spar in the Arena and nothing else due to the focus being PvP and 'muh buildz is better den urs'.
So what would happen if this 'spar place' actually moved away from the middle of Sigrogana in time gaps? Like, in two to two months it changed position around the world.

- First, the Arena acting like the Caravans, it changes locations across the world. Eventually cycling across The Great Six in one full year, or one year and a half, if necessary.

Now that the Arena is mobile, I'd suggest it not being as easily accessible for those people who love it. How?

- By making the Mage's Guild cost 100 Asagos, or a crippling amount of Murai, like 10'000.
Being under the justification of "All of this 'abuse' of their portals from those years made them even more unstable, so the maintenance is starting to become even more costy.", or something more creative.

And that will make the main way to move between the countries is by?... Ships! The good old way to go across continents for those people who can't afford more than 100 Murai one travel, at the cost of being slower and pretty much not 'instantaneous'. Two ships per port, and they take two to five days to reach a different continent.

Now that we're in the slowest, most 'boring' way to reach somewhere else? What will we do for the past two or three IG days, Koonie??

This one is easy. Inside the ship, there will be many things to do, like...

- Choosing to aid operating the Ship's engines that will use your Engineer level + Maintenance trait levels + Blacksmith levels, in the machinery room, will grant you a big amount of EXP, and if you score a high efficiency on your job, they can even pay you back for the money you gave them for the trip! (which is the 100 Murai. Obviously, the reward is only at the end of a trip after the crew safely arrives on the destination. And this can be done multiple times, for a bigger reward.)
This option is quite taxing on your Stamina and Mental Stamina. Also, helping the ship to keep running will make it reach it's destination faster. So some players can even take the role of ship engineers and work there if they feel like.

- You'll have the option to cook food for the crew and serve them in one of those feast tables that will be pre-set there for an extra pack of EXP and maybe get Murai per people who eat from your feast table.

- You can also play in the mini-fishing competitions or Yenten on board! Which will reward you another type of Tokens with a not so direct combat-oriented use. Maybe for exotic food you can only find in those ships, small gifts for your Houses or even a 'precious' Stamp?

- Sailor brawls, maybe? A PvP place where no magic is allowed, for example, to make it special. The best way to 'farm' those Tokens. But since you can't easily 'pop an inn to go back to 100%' like in Remedia, you'll be pretty limited to do it, unless you're prepared with some bandages, obviously!

Like that, the player will be amused for a bit, also, don't forget the rooms and such for them to sleep in, to slowly restore HP/FP/Stamina/Mental Stamina while resting 'on' them, pretty much like how Campfire works.

And welp, that's all from me, I guess. We do need more reasons to hang around the world, rather than be Arena shut-ins, just because the Arena offers everything a player would want in a game, which is, a portable inn and weapon repairer, a disturbingly convinient location in the middle of two cities who get black beast'd often and a place to grind safely in certain days. Sigrogana Legends 2 is too much of an 'easy game' that lacks big consequences, and people are getting too around it.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]

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