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Ether invitation works with guns.
Guns ignore DEF
Which means a reliable 250 damage with high accuracy weaponry, unless met with pierce resist.
Make EI restricted to melee weaponry.

(Also, can't you actualy overcharge - EI to even do shell effects?]
You can, and if not, that still increases HIT by 50. So yeah, there's that :^) *hops in the 'I hate this, pls nerf' train*
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
Could also include the fact EI breaks it's cap when used with things like AD + AW. Another thing worth pointing out.
Also Known As:
Exxy Izzy
(Warning: Off-topic post.)
Diz, he won't change or revamp damage amplification just because it's breaking a cap. Ether's cap is there so a Hyattr with 10/1000 HP doesn't one-shot people, and only that. The attack's supposed to be a turn-around move in exchange of a claret call that could save your life. Also don't remember that 'lolzy' thing in today's spars? if it misses, poof to the CC too.

Welp, I'd like to bring this to skype but since I'm here, I ask thee, why the frown upon the only two ways to amplify damage in a pretty ''insignificant'' (compared to the ways to reduce it) way and make it a little better? If Ether Invitation can be dodged, blocked by defense/resistance (it will fully be soon after this thread, I hope), reduced by Wraithguard, reduced by Wea.Body (MA), reduced by One on One (Duelist), ignored by Body of Isesip, reduced by Urawaza'd Meditate, reduced by Unarmored Waraji, Retaliate food, Cobra'd, Spirit Pain'd, Eviter'd, dodged again, Guarded, Drowned Woman'd, Stalemate'd, dodged one more time...? Or do I have to list more ways to avoid EI?

Welcome to Ghost's Ether Invitation, core skill. High risks, High rewards. Fully intended, and could get more love imo. It's so easy to deal with it that it hurts my tombstone.

(Back to topic.)
Almost forgot to agree on the 'restricted to melee weapons only', but, tomes will also enter this dance if so. I'd cling better to make Ether Invitation unusable with guns. (Mostly because the skill itself is only 1 square of distance from the user, hinting melee.) That might be the fastest way to wrap things together for now, since the problem's the gun's thing of ignoring defense and being used in EI.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
Please don't just restrict it to melee weapons only, there are ranged weapons other than guns like javelins, shuriken and bows(if you can even hit in 1 range)...Also tome Ether Invitations are pretty fun to use and allow tank-breaking most of the time since it will target RES instead, and deal magic damage.

As for being on topic, I can agree on just disabling Ether invitation with guns specifically, as a good option.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
I wasn't saying to revamp damage multiplication, I was say to make the cap actually be the cap Koonie.
Also Known As:
Exxy Izzy
Why not just make guns for EI purposes.. follow normal damage rules? Like, they don't bypass the defense and what not.. and instead, it's more like a desperation attack. You grab the pistol by the barrel and pistol whip someone, or you use that rifle like a club and smash a fucker upside the head.

Just make it not bypass defense and you're fine, honestly.

(Though 250 damage hurts. Muh 60 defense still takes 200+ from it. :'( )
Thing is Derg, read up what Ether Invitation does. It uses missing HP to damage on a 1-square range 'basic attack'. You can't special sauce the gun's gimmicky thing of ignoring defense for a skill only that forces it to behave like a 'basic attack' (I think?).
The difference between this to the others is that EI is not an autohit, it won't do pitiful damage to people like Cripple Leg since it doesn't use the basic damaging formula and uses missing HP instead, but will work the same way around, they can still be Overcharged for +50 Hit too. The best solution for now is to remove guns from EI list since they can be so easily exploited in-game and horse-kicked thematically. (So bashing people with a gun's grip hurts more than being cleaved in half by an axe if you're wearing armor...?)
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
"Snake" Wrote:Welcome to Ghost's Ether Invitation, core skill. High risks, High rewards. Fully intended, and could get more love imo. It's so easy to deal with it that it hurts my tombstone.

If by high risk, high reward, easy to deal with you mean next to no risk, one of the highest rewards in the game, and impossible to play around outside of not hurting a ghost? Sure. Ether invitation shouldn't pierce armor with guns, and its 250 damage cap shouldn't be able to be breached with Absolute Death, Hunted, or Analyze weakness. The claim that you give up all your survivability to use it is nonsense; last chance leaves you with 1 health and often you die to material damage anyway.

I'm on board with this nerf train.

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