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Should guns and maybe Akimbo get a buff (on top of fixed)
It's been bugging me since I found out Defense works by granting %phys reduction instead of a flat reduction and this affects guns which are built around the idea that your defense isn't a factor, resulting in specifically tuned damage numbers. I wand to get a discussion going about how/if guns should be changed in relation to the GR and get the ball rolling before the (I hope) eminent bug fixes apply to them Soon™.

The two main points I wanna start off with are Guns Vs Defense and Akimbo.

On the first point, I'm trying how guns should be handled in relation to the new %Phys reduction. Got three ideas currently.
A) Make guns pierce percent physical reductions partially or fully.
B) Scale up gun damage a bit to compensate for everyone and their mother, except a true glass cannon, having defense. Not too much or guns become too strong and act as a 'magic bullet' [strike]/shot[/strike] against every form of defense other than extreme evade and spirit mirror.
C) Change Evade to reduce gun damage by a certain amount (since evade makes you dodge anyway) and then tune gun damage around this.

If you can think of any other ideas, let's hear it, please.

I'm not very fond of option A as this removes a lot of defenses against gunners whom tend to have stellar hit rates to compete with evade. Sure, there's still spirit mirror but that seems to be extremely unhealthy game design to have something as broad as 'guns' have only one good counter and that's an item taking up a slot in your build.

Option B seems simplest and most reasonable to me with plenty of room to balance guns very finely.

Option C is interesting, sure, though I am rather certain it has come up before and I have no idea how that went. (Except, obviously, it didn't go through. Maybe with a better idea formed?)

On to Akimbo! I would like to conversationally consider and debate the idea of Akimbo having reduced scaling instead of zero scaling and using just power, which gets reduced by %Phys reduction. Of the top of my head, a starting point would be 'Scaling(damage?) on akimbo shots is reduced by 75%.' As far as I'm aware, pistols do not have a lot going for them and akimbo is just about the best thing you can do with a pistol.
Guns should ignore a character's scaled DEF and simply be reduced by armor def and perhaps a few other things. If that makes them too strong, make only half of a character's scaled DEF apply, or make it so that gun damage scales up with a victim's scaled VIT but has to deal with their whole scaled DEF.

Anything but being reduced to what they are now.

The OP's akimbo suggestion seems good.
"Take it for granted. I dare you."

[Image: 142v2wn.png]

[Image: 21b2ouq.png]
Well that's exactly backwards of how it works currently. Flat Defense doesn't do a damn thing but scaled defense reduces it and that's how it always has been: %Phys reduction is how to reduce gun damage. Wouldn't it be a great big hassle to flip that on it's end with little to no testing?

Scaling up on enemy Vit seems horrifying, like, incredibly horrifying.
Please don't lynch me, I'm too young!

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