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MA Promo - Grappler
Unlock: Level 20 Martial Artist, Win a match after using Geldoren, Heaven Kick, Light Tomahawk

This class has three different fighting styles, you may only choose one style to master unless you get the skill Mixed Master to rank 3.

Style 1: Therou
- Storm Throw: Single target / 3M
Grab your opponent and swing them in circles wildly. Once released they will crash into a random tile taking damage based on your STR + Bonus damage based on rank. If they land onto a wall or ally, the opponent will take extra damage based on rank and their ally will take damage based on the target's Battle Weight.
Rank 1: 22 FP / 20 bonus damage / +12 extra damage
Rank 2: 24 FP / 22 bonus damage / +14 extra damage
Rank 3: 26 FP / 24 bonus damage / +16 extra damage
Rank 4: 28 FP / 26 bonus damage / +18 extra damage
Rank 5: 30 FP / 28 bonus damage / +20 extra damage

-Cannon Throw: Single target / 3M
Grab your opponent and launch them anywhere you like based on your Move. Damage is dealt based on your STR + Opponents Battle Weight. If you choose to throw the enemy into a wall or their ally, they will take extra damage based on rank and if you chose ally the ally will take damage based on opponents battle weight.
Rank 1: 18 FP / +9 extra damage
Rank 2: 20 FP / +13 extra damage
Rank 3: 22 FP / +16 extra damage
Rank 4: 24 FP / +19 extra damage
Rank 5: 26 FP / +22 extra damage

-Del Toro: Single target line (5) / 3M
Charge at your opponent tackling and grappling them. Once grabbed you will continue to charge until you slam them into a wall or object in that direction, dealing damage based on your STR + Bonus rank damage. If an opponent's ally is in the way of the charge they will take damage based on target's Battle Weight and your Battle Weight combined.
Rank 1: 20 FP / 14 bonus damage
Rank 2: 22 FP / 16 bonus damage
Rank 3: 24 FP / 18 bonus damage
Rank 4: 26 FP / 20 bonus damage
Rank 5: 28 FP / 22 bonus damage

-Izuna Crash: Single target / 3M
The most deadly skill in your arsenal as a Therou master. Your opponent must be airborne to use this skill. You leap up into the air as well, grab them, and send the both of you hurdling downwards, spinning and crashing into the ground. The opponent takes damage based on your STR + Bonus damage based on rank. If your strength is higher than the targets Battle Weight the damage is further increased by the difference in your STR vs their BW. Your opponent is left with Knockdown status for their turn afterwards.
Rank 1: 34 FP / 30 bonus damage
Rank 2: 36 FP / 32 bonus damage
Rank 3: 38 FP / 36 bonus damage
Rank 4: 40 FP / 38 bonus damage
Rank 5: 42 FP / 40 bonus damage

Style 2: Adorei
-Whirlwind Throw: Single target line (5) / 3M
Run at your opponent and then flip onto them grabbing them with your legs, twirling into a circle and throwing them into a random direction for X tiles taking damage based on your CEL.
Rank 1: 20 FP / 1 tile
Rank 2: 22 FP / 2 tiles
Rank 3: 24 FP / 3 tiles
Rank 4: 26 FP / 4 tiles
Rank 5: 28 FP / 5 tiles

-Kasumi Kick: AOE circle (3) / 3M
Spin on your hands and kick anyone in range dealing damage based on your CEL+ Bonus damage based on rank. If target is Knocked down bonus damage is doubled.
Rank 1: 18 FP / 12 bonus damage
Rank 2: 20 FP / 14 bonus damage
Rank 3: 22 FP / 16 bonus damage
Rank 4: 24 FP / 18 bonus damage
Rank 5: 26 FP / 20 bonus damage

-Rolling Thunder: Single target diamond (5) / 3M
Flip upwards and land on your opponents head grabbing them with your thighs. Then you roll under their legs slamming them into the ground inflicting damage based on your CEL. The target is also inflicted with knockdown status if Adorei Step is active.
Rank 1: 29 FP
Rank 2: 27 FP
Rank 3: 25 FP
Rank 4: 23 FP
Rank 5: 21 FP

-Stepping Stones: Single target diamond (5) / 3M
Flip onto your opponent's face and slam your feet into their face as if you were walking down the stairs kicking them X times (X = Rank). Damage is equal to your CEL+Bonus damage based on rank. Your opponent is inflicted with knockdown afterwards if Adorei Step is active.
Rank 1: 38 FP / 3 bonus damage
Rank 2: 36 FP / 6 bonus damage
Rank 3: 34 FP / 9 bonus damage
Rank 4: 32 FP / 12 bonus damage
Rank 5: 30 FP / 15 bonus damage

Style 3: Misane
-Moon Phases: Single target / 3M
Grab your opponents arm and twirl like a top around them in a circle, then delivering a kick send them crashing in a random tile in 1 range from you. Damage is dealt from your SKI. Using this grants you a "Moon Phase" status increasing your evade by 5 for X rounds based on Rank. With Misane Rotation active the evade is doubled.
Rank 1: 30 FP / 1 round
Rank 2: 28 FP / 2 rounds
Rank 3: 26 FP / 3 rounds
Rank 4: 24 FP / 4 rounds
Rank 5: 22 FP / 5 rounds

-Crescent Phase: Single target / 3M
Grab your opponents arms and swing under their legs as if you were swing dancing. When reaching behind them you flip onto their back and slam their body into the ground dealing damage based on your SKI. Using this grants you a "Crescent Moon" status increasing your Skill by 5 for X rounds based on rank. With Misane Rotation the skill bonus is doubled and you will land behind your opponent.
Rank 1: 30 FP / 1 round
Rank 2: 28 FP / 2 rounds
Rank 3: 26 FP / 3 rounds
Rank 4: 24 FP / 4 rounds
Rank 5: 22 FP / 5 rounds

-Gibbous Phase: Single target line (5) / 3M
Spin at your opponent at high speed, grabbing their leg out from under them and using your body like a drill you slam your feet into their face. Damage is dealt based on your SKI. You become granted with "Gibbous Moon" status increasing your Strength by 5 for X rounds based on rank. With Misane Rotation the bonus is doubled and you will land behind your opponent.
Rank 1: 30 FP / 1 round
Rank 2: 28 FP / 2 rounds
Rank 3: 26 FP / 3 rounds
Rank 4: 24 FP / 4 rounds
Rank 5: 22 FP / 5 rounds

-Full Moon: Single target circle (5) / 3M
Kick your opponent into the air and follow them granting you both airborne status. Then grabbing their head and legs you stand on their back while spinning in circles sending their body crashing down dealing damage based on your SKI+Bonus damage based on rank. If used while you're in back of your opponent the bonus damage is doubled. Afterwards you become granted with "Full Moon" status granting you 5 bonus to STR, CEL, and SKI for X rounds based on rank. If Misane Rotation is active the bonus is doubled.
Rank 1: 30 FP / 13 bonus damage / 1 round
Rank 2: 32 FP / 16 bonus damage / 2 rounds
Rank 3: 34 FP / 19 bonus damage / 3 rounds
Rank 4: 36 FP / 22 bonus damage / 4 rounds
Rank 5: 38 FP / 25 bonus damage / 5 rounds

Utility Skills:
-Therou Toss: 3M
You grab an opponent in one range and throw them into the air dealing 30 damage and giving them airborne status for 1 Rounds.
Rank 1: 15 FP / 10 damage
Rank 2: 10 FP / 20 damage
Rank 3: 5 FP / 30 damage

-Adorei Step: 1M
Using your focus to increase your footing you become faster for 3 rounds as well as being granted "Adorei Step" status.
Rank 1: 20 FP / +3 CEL +3 Move
Rank 2: 15 FP / +4 CEL +4 Move
Rank 3: 10 FP / +5 CEL +5 Move / equipping this skill does not take up a skill slot

-Misane Rotation: 3M
Blending your focus with your oddly unique fighting style you become more Skilled for 3 Rounds. Based on your SKI+ a % based on rank you have a chance of spinning behind your opponents back to dodge a melee attack.
Rank 1: 25 FP / +3 SKI / 30% chance
Rank 2: 20 FP / +4 SKI / 35% chance
Rank 3: 15 FP / +5 SKI / 40% chance

Innate Skills:
-Body Builder:
Natural training has granted you extra strength and defense
Rank 1: +1 STR +1 DEF
Rank 2: +1 STR +1 DEF
Rank 3: +1 STR +1 DEF

-Mixed Master:
Being trained in all areas you are able to blend in any of the 3 different styles based on rank. Rank 3 being needed to use the skills.
Rank 1: 2 styles
Rank 2: 3 styles
Rank 3 : 3 extra skill slots

-Hastey Feet:
Being quick on your feet you are granted more speed. If using Adorei Step the status lasts for X extra rounds based on rank.
Rank 1: +1 CEL / 1 extra round
Rank 2: +1 CEL / 1 extra round
Rank 3: +1 CEL / 1 extra round

Being naturally agile you gain skill based on rank.
Rank 1: +1 SKI
Rank 2: +1 SKI
Rank 3: +1 SKI

-Power Augment
If equipped with a fist weapon in your main hand all of your offensive skills get a damage % bonus based on rank.
Rank 1: 1% damage increase
Rank 2: 5% damage increase
Rank 3: 10% damage increase
Rank 4: 15% damage increase
Rank 5: 20% damage increase
Full scaling on two stats is a no-no.

Auto-dodge is a no-no.

+6 stats from 3 SP is a no-no.

This doesn't seem like a very polished suggestion in general, and would be a very disappointing addition, considering it's mostly flavored autohits.
"[url= Wrote:MegaBlues » Thu Dec 04, 2014 1:46 am[/url]"]Full scaling on two stats is a no-no.

Auto-dodge is a no-no.

+6 stats from 3 SP is a no-no.

This doesn't seem like a very polished suggestion in general, and would be a very disappointing addition, considering it's mostly flavored autohits.
Fixed the scaling.
There is no auto dodge don't know what you're reading
As for the +6 stats for 3 SP *looks at Kensei among some other classes that give the same thing*
"very disappointing addition, considering its mostly flavored autohits." I'm guessing you haven't played a magic class or verglas.
Just came here to say that I love this suggestion. Oh, and needs more kinniku buster.

K bai.

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