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Great Reckoning Update Notes
Talent System Rework - Initial release as detailed in the thread. Currently there are 4 talents unfinished, which are all unlisted. I will be working on finishing these up if possible, but if it takes too long to get all four, I may just ship this onto live when it's sufficiently bug tested.
* Various
- Snakescale material now grants 5% Poison resistance.
- Menov poison damage boost lowered to 1.5x (from 2x).
- You can now view your scaled stat values by double-clicking yourself in battle.
- Immobilize now prevents most skills that cause movement which aren't teleports, specifically; Heaven Kick, Peddling Wheel, Parting Shot, Crane Hop, Sidecut, Sillcut, Leaping Lizard, Haunting, Snake Dancer, Wild Ride, Chaser
- Fleur is now a main class only skill.
- Instinct (Leporidae) now applies before Kensei's Quickdraw is checked, letting the skills combo effectively.
- Requests that do not give items are no longer blocked from being turned in if you're over-encumbered.
- Huggessoan invocation text now shows up as purple.
- Ice Skate will now stop if you hit a dense object that isn't a combatant.
- Exceptional Skill is now an antiquated trait.
* Bug Reports
- Energy Transfer's description no longer mentions growths.
- Examine pages that consist of just a single space are now skipped properly.
- Metal Gauntlet and Greaves no longer give Magic Armor.
- Leaping Lizard and Enemy Climb now properly only reduces the base Momentum cost to 0 (meaning Repeat Action will now apply properly).
- Fun-o-Gram now have the proper upload limit of 3MB.
- Crescent Rook now properly invokes the Black Wind and cannot teleport you to a tile that is occupied by another combatant.
- Youkai now properly receive the full bonus from Affinity skills, as intended.
- Angler Light now properly makes the target glow rather than the user.
- Summon Storm can no longer summon youkai from your reserves.
- Improvised Weapons should now have stat scaling.
- Racial skills that are equipped in the skill pool no longer stick around if your race changes due to Legend Extension.
- Ice Point Guard and Ice Point Greaves now expire if you no longer have those skills equipped when the battle starts.
New Talent - Spiritualism has been added to the Occult category.
Custom Inputs - Spent some time programming a custom input. Currently, only Spiritualism uses it, but more will do so in the future.
* Bug Reports
- God Loyalty now properly caps at 100.
- Isespian spells should now properly receive Efficiency reductions on their costs.
- Concealment now behaves properly and hides shields as intended.
- Solar Lance now properly does magic damage.
* Various
- Status effects are saved when you disconnect from the game, so status effects that last through multiple battles will be saved. Please test and make sure nothing went screwy, especially if you disconnect during a battle and it's finished while you are disconnected.
- Deleted the old talent interface from the skin file.
* Bug Reports
- Spirits are no longer lost upon disconnecting from the game.
- Cryomancy's Freeze subpath now affects Expanding Ice's duration reset on existing ice sheets.
- Stillness Darkness should no longer reduce healing from food or various other battle-end effects.
- Landmarker no longer erroneously sends the location of the spot in the chatbox, and now displays the X on the map as it should.
* Bug Reports
- Fixed the Expanding Ice bug from last update for real.
- Corrected an issue where special field tiles weren't setting who placed them properly. (This is the source of the ice sheet not breaking bug.)
1.61f (Although the server probably still says 1.61e)
New Talent - Added the Detainment talent to the War category.
New Companions Interface - Companions interface for Youkai/Mercs/etc has been added.
* Bug Reports
- Antiquated traits no longer display in the trait window.
- Tarson now has an option for 'none' when selling him monsters; the sell all now displays the total amount of Murai you will receive, as well.
* Bug Reports
- Capture is now properly given by having ranks in Take Prisoner.
- Cancel on custom inputs was causing the player to be unable to move.
- White Spirits no longer cause issues with leveling up skills or show incorrect rank totals on the skill board screen.
- Black Spirit damage bonus was applying to all targets instead of those of a specific race.
- The talent icon will properly show whether or not you have unspent talent points.
- The companions window will update after successfully converting a prisoner.
- Blazing Shinken's Cinders now have a LV equal to 100% of your Fire ATK.
- When taking damage, you are told if it is magical or physical in the battle log.
* Bug Reports
- Shinken's basic attack should now have its damage scaled by the appropriate Combination Fighter modifier.
- Lightning criticals no longer affect Liches that have Arcane Order active.
- Ice point creation and kicking someone into an ice point now properly deals magic damage.
- Armor of Eyes' ignore flanking wasn't working properly.
- Fire Breath cinders were dealing inconsistent damage.
- Sarasha Gi's bonuses now properly apply when you have no weapon equipped in either hand.
- Improvised Weapons should work while you have no weapons equipped now.
- Engineer bots now receive the full FP they should have when deployed.
- Swordmaster's Ring now properly deals magic damage.
- Several spells had incorrect tags resulting in Final Flare casting them multiple times if in range of multiple enemies.
- Corrected a few typos.
- Made an optimization regarding look-up on Youkai summons existing.
* Bug Reports
- Isespian domain icon wasn't showing up in the skill board.
- Adjusted AI location targeting for spells like Isendo, etc.
- Projectiles were triggering on the caster.
- Prolong wasn't modifying the duration variable properly.
- Windbark wasn't updated for GR.
- Evade calculations weren't factoring in weapon-specific bonuses such as Phantom Cloak.
- Essence totals and healing numbers from Field Medic could have decimals in them.
- HP recovered message no longer shows if the HP recovered is 0 (due to certain modifiers such as racial skills).
- Body of Isesip was not returning the proper 'damage after application' value and thus causing lifesteal effects to restore HP.
- Halloween decorations should no longer show up in battles with Black Beasts unless it's actually Halloween.
- Reset Stone now properly resets saved outfits and has been adjusted to reset for the new talents system.
- laplaceNET requests that require delivery of a certain item now let you pick which one you want to deliver, provided you have more than one of that item type in your inventory. This uses the new custom input interface.
* Bug Reports
- Added a line breaks to new talent-based end of battle text.
- Militia were using the name Ren Brown instead of their empire designated name 'Militia'.
- Slider should now end if it bumps into something dense.
- Changed the talent display to remove non-displayed talent buttons from the client screen instead of just making them transparent.
- Adjustments made to correct an issue involving training militia.
- Interacting with resource nodes has been fixed.

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