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Shared joy is half joy
If you have a bonded youkai out and shared joy, and you use healing dischagre in range where both should be healed, it only counts one healing and splits it up.

Aka what I expect to happen is that you get two times half the healing, so it sums up to the normal healing again.
What actually happens is that your healing is halved and you would heal more without shared joy.

All three in radius of the Healing discharge, Haku is not bond.
Shared Joy! Tyrant and bonded allies recovered 60 HP.
Haku recovered 121 HP.
Shared Joy! Snow Crow and bonded allies recovered 60 HP.

I think thats not the idea behind it.
I see two instances of Shared Joy there, though, which total up to 120 HP?
The thing is, if I have one bonded youkai it should get half the healing I get from all over the field(half for both I mean), which it does. So far so good. But if this youkai also happens to be in the healing range (like healing discharge) it behaves like it won´t be healed by it, so the healing remains half of the original amount if you had no shared joy.

it is ONE shared joy you see there(Since it´s once for youkai and once for the bonder). All three are in the healing discharge range the thing is only that the Bonded youkai and the bonder share the heal ONCE, while the non bonded youkai gets full healing, technically meaning the bonded youkai is in the disadvantage in terms of healing. I think thats not the idea behind the skill.

So what I expected to happen was:
Shared Joy! Tyrant and bonded allies recovered 60 HP.
Haku recovered 121 HP.
Shared Joy! Snow Crow and bonded allies recovered 60 HP.
Shared Joy! Snow Crow and bonded allies recovered 60 HP.
Shared Joy! Tyrant and bonded allies recovered 60 HP.

So when both get healed at the SAME time, they both share their heal.But 120 is only the heal for one, as seen with Haku. Without shared joy all three would recover 121.

Or is it intended like that?
I think you're missing the grammar a bit. "Tyrant and bonded allies" means that single 60 HP message is applying to all bonded allies -- which in this case is two. So even though it says 60, that one line of text is actually 120 HP being recovered. Try comparing your actual HP number before and afer the casting.

I know which part confused me now, it was that I forgot about healing charges One bonded youkai effect that I thought that the effect of Healing discharge did split up like that, since I am used to the game to count every sort of healing individually.

So yeah....
[Image: 29658752.jpg]
Forget it. Sorry.

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