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Competitive Fishing
So, while in a Fishing Competition, me and some other guy both got the same size fish. Me first, then him. My position changed from 2nd to 3rd, but then immediately changed back to 2nd, and placed him in 3rd. As a matter of fact, this continued happening in a cycle over and over; switching our positions until the end of the competition. I was trying to see if by getting a better catch, it would stop, but the number in question was 48.5 and it was proving to be challenging to get any higher. Furthermore, it seemed the "switch" occurred anytime me or the other guy "caught a fish"; that is, an exclamation mark showed up, despite we both got fish that weighed lest than our "best catch".
Not sure if this counts as a bug or not. At the very least, I'm not sure what the 'fixed' version would look like.
Possibly something along the lines of having two people being able to take the same position and therefore taking out the position directly beneath it? Ergo, in the aforementioned scenario, it'd be two 2nd places and no 3rd place. The code which seems to involve dealing with updating the scoreboard seems to occur when a person catches something rather than after a comparison between their catch and their "Current Best Catch".
Why not just store the time the fish in each place (1st/2nd/3rd) was caught, and if the weight values tie compare the time values to determine whose catch is graded higher?
Compare them how? Who would win a tie?
In the event of a tie between weights, whoever had caught the fish sooner would always win.
Alright, I made some changes that should reflect the time in the event of ties.

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