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This skill is absolutely devastating when used with AoEs like Felsmange and Orkam Drehen(and to a lesser extent, Korkenzieher), could it be possible that this wind effect can only occur on the first target hit during a boxer skill? Because each hit in an AoE boxer skill will proc the wind damage effect, effectively doubling/tripling/quadrupling/quintupling/etc. etc. it's damage output.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
Sure, we all saw today someone do over 740 hybrid damage by simply double-tapping the skill while surrounded by four other players. (On 8x Schwarz Sturm, mind you.)
That was a terrifying gimmick, it ended the whole 4x4 PvP fight there, without any effort, without any counterplay. The power that not even a Finisher has, or the drawbacks it gives. (Like the Schwarz Sturm reset.)
So I'm down with Spooks suggested.

Now for a small tweak correcting at where Nachbeben should be activated, I say, make the boxer be the one releasing the shockwave with the extra wind damage that activates only once, not the enemy hit. If using Orkam Drehen.
I mean, the skill 'hooks' you in, then applies the damage. That's unfair and SUPER cheesy.


As for Felsmanege and Korkenzier. I don't think they need any changes on their interaction with the passive.

The first is a Finisher, it's worth the damage it does, because after it, the Schwarz Sturm will reset to 0, you can't spam it for insane damage.

The second is pretty 'hard' to collaborate with the Boxer, since you don't have control over it's distance, and that not everyone stays in a line, and are mostly in diagonals. And you can't aim that well, due to the lack of movement, since a single move can reset your Schwarz Sturm.

But I think that's just me.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
Nechbeben's absurdity lies upon Orkam Drehen. Korkenzieher is way less lenient and requires enemies to be in a cardinal line, while Felsmanege is not only much more limited in range, but also has a less lenient scaling (for the most part) and kills Sturm level whenever its used. Additionally, neither of these skills have the massive pull range to ensure that everyone on the block is going to feel the barrage of wind damage.

I see no issue with capping how many times Nechbeben procs in a single use of Orkam Drehen, or nerfing Nechbeben's damage output in general. But I don't see any reason to go capping it for any other Boxer skill.
[Image: a2794117f3.png]
[12:53:15 AM] Chaos: don't hit dyst
[12:53:18 AM] Chaos: that's cruelty to animals
[12:53:20 AM] Chaos: you have to shoot it
[12:53:20 AM] Dystopia: ye
I just don't think it needs to apply to Orkam Drehen and Felsmange so many times, even though Felsmange kills your sturm level it still can be partnered up with Orkam Drehen purely for the wind damage alone, procing so many times per target hit, it's just not pleasant to face because I've seen this happen two times now where Orkam Drehen has elliminated an entire party of 4 because it was paired up with Orkam Drehen (which is realllllllly not easy to avoid), it can quite dish out up to 700-1000 hybrid damage to each individual target depending on someone's build, which is more than unfair when comparing this to AoE burst classes like Evoker and the such who can normally dish out maybe 400-500 if enemies are super clumped up together.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
I think Nachbeben should just split the damage between targets.
Kameron gave me a better idea.

It may be pretty hard to simply 'split the damage', since it does four procs, each proc is 50% the damage the first hit instance does. And that is the problem here.

Nachbeben's interaction with Orkam Drehen should either 1- Only trigger once, from the Boxer instead of 'from the first enemy hit'. Or, 2- Not trigger at all, since the skill itself already does a great thing to 'disturb' combat, which is the pull.

To be honest, I'm convinced by one thing. Dev didn't allow Nachbeben to be used with Regenschauer for a reason. The same reason we're complaining about Orkam Drehen right now.

The capability of it hitting multiple times for insane and needless AoE damage. In which would be more fair to be moved to Regenschauer, since it only does a max of 16 damage and it NEEDS Shwarz Sturm to do the damage, unlike Orkam Drehen that does damage scaled on Weapon Attack and simply goes for an extra (200% * 4) magical wind damage.

So yeah, tl;dr, pick one of the options above, and then move this specific gimmick of multiple-hitting Nachbeben to Regenschauer, I don't think it can be that bad.

(16 / 2 * X) will be the maximum AoE damage it can do.((72 AoE magic wind damage, at maximum Shwarz Sturm level)).)
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
Don't get me wrong. I do love this. But I completely agree that it's kind of crazy. Even if SS does take several turns to build. I mean, unlike a Charge Mind spell, you're still doing other actions in the meanwhile during the prep period, after all. And anything that makes one person "easily" able to drop 4 people in PVP (I didn't see the fight in question, so I'm assuming based on the numbers Koonie posted) really does need a good looking at.

I think dividing it by the number of targets is the most fair solution purely so that in Crazies, the user won't get dicked over by it activating on the wrong enemy and not having it trigger on the intended target for maximum coverage.
*loud burp*
Limit Orkam's activations against players, leave it the same for PvE. I doubt anyone wants to return to having Hexer be the only efficient class for farming items or grinding crazies.
This is my third idea, I don't think it would be 'that' smooth to work, but again, it's something. It's based on Kameron's suggestion.

Quote:Nachbeben, after dealing any damage to a Player Character or a Boss type monster, also gives a 'buff' to the enemy, like Fleur. 'Buff' makes the unit immune to further damage instances from Nachbeben, until the end of the turn.

Still, in practice, I don't know the issues this may bring. Especially with Skip being the greater offender to Boxer's tactics. But I mostly agree with him, seeing Boxer fight so awesomely against rows and rows of NPCs like that is sure some sweet and cold eyedrops for my eyes that are tired seeing Hexers being a 'mandatory' class in PvE.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
"Kameron8" Wrote:Limit Orkam's activations against players, leave it the same for PvE. I doubt anyone wants to return to having Hexer be the only efficient class for farming items or grinding crazies.

I actually suggested different modes for PVE/PVP a long time ago, for interactions that work differently in both, like this. Should I bump it?
*loud burp*

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