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Elemental Enchants
Just a small quality of life change: Can elemental enchants be cast on someone that already is enchanted, but just replace their current enchant? It's kind of annoying when you're basically locked into an enchant (especially if you want to prolong the effect with points in prolong in the enchantment trait which, when maxed out, will lock you out of casting another enchant spell for 9 whole rounds.)
I mentioned this recently, and Dev said no, because each enchant carries a weakness and he doesn't want us changing our weaknesses on a whim.
*loud burp*
I'm still personally for the idea of some sort of penalty for overwriting an enchant early, like using a conflicting elemental causing damage to yourself, or even some kind of status infliction for overwriting one element with another (+damage taken, temporarily both weaknesses, etc.) to reflect the conflict and make it so that switching your element up isn't a free out. (Which could also make room for a 'Dispel' Enchant subpath or something to counteract that a bit, but I'm rambling a bit by this point.)

Actually, if the weakness thing is the major reason, having both weaknesses if you overwrite-enchant sounds like a good shot, doesn't it?
Enchant swapping causes a 3 round LV 25 Elemental Weakness to the last enchant's weakness.

This would be nice in some spellblade class, element slinging to do many many kinds of damage in one turn, like for example, able to swap enchants (while keeping the weaknesses for half the duration) for no momentum in order to throw fire then ice.

But eh, just what Soapy said is fine too.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
"Soapy"' Wrote:Enchant swapping causes a 3 round LV 25 Elemental Weakness to the last enchant's weakness.


I could totally get behind this. Would give offensive versatility in exchange for defensive vulnerability, and cause a (decidedly niche, of course) gap in the elemental resist stacking meta. I like it.
*loud burp*
I'd love to be able to swap enchants on the fly, even if it retained its detriments. That kind of flexibility would open up some far more interesting mage builds beyond 'choose one element, use that'.
I agree, with how long enchants -can- last now, being able to swap on the fly is a welcome addition, as long as it retains the downsides by keeping the elemental weakness for the remaining rounds anyway.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]

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