Jammer mobs have been annoying to many people for a very long time.
- Your party excels in back attacks? TIME TO GET LUCKY! (Due to server lag, they've often changed facing before you can get behind them if you're trying to get them as they move for a guaranteed back attack.)
- Your party excels when it can start from afar and set up? TIME TO GET LUCKY! (You need to move around them until they see you if you want to guarantee YOU don't back attack them, which can leave YOU in a position to GET back attacked.
Can we PLEASE have SOME kind of indicator for their facing, outside of battle?
Send me the jammer icons and I see what I can do. Should be easy enough when simply making their back darker or making their core more visible from the front. Or give them snake.
Kinda wanted to work on Jammers anyway, for this "Envovled" monsters thingy.
"Shujin"' Wrote:Eh I can give it a try, I guess?
Send me the jammer icons and I see what I can do. Should be easy enough when simply making their back darker or making their core more visible from the front. Or give them snake.
Kinda wanted to work on Jammers anyway, for this "Envovled" monsters thingy.
I won't be able to do a damn 'til the end of this year (01/01/17--01/04/17), traveling at the moment with family because 'eff my life they love me. So go wild Shujin, I'll try to co-op it, if it doesn't reach my expectations.
@Dev also what ya mean with all 5 have the issue? Jammer alpha is the only one you see outside of battle, in battle the battlering should be enough I think?
Made the shine effect a little brigther and slightly bigger everywhere but the front. Made the core from west/east/south facing more visible and moved the core slightly to west/east on the respective movements. Should be possble to see now where they are facing.