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Sword Reading
Stalemate works when attacked from behind from outside of 1 range, to replicate this:

Person A must have Stalemate, and person B must have a parryable weapon
Person B must be standing behind Person A, but not directly behind them. (So diagonally or 2+ squares away from Person A's back)
Person B attacks with Sword/Spear/Axe, but Person A stalemates the attack, despite Person B technically being behind Person A.

[strike]This seemed like a bug so I'm reporting it.[/strike]

Apparently not a bug, could this possibly be changed to be for attacks made from behind you in general? Similar to how Eviter works.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
Stalemate also blocks Sillcut if it is used from behind. While Sidecut can do a straight attack from behind and jump over Stalemate, Sillcut can't, in a sense.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
"Stalemate" Wrote:This skill cannot be triggered against attacks made directly behind you.
I'm going to preempt Dev on this one and say it's not technically a bug, and Riposte works same exact way.

And then I'm going to preempt everyone else and say they really should be changed anyway.
These shouldn't affect anyone standing behind you, whether it's ranged or diagonal or not.
I agree, but, it needs to go into balance fu. This has been brought up before.
Can this be moved to balance fu then? I'll edit the original post accordingly.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
Balance bump.

Definitely something that needs to be looked at.

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