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Earthbound's Rising Revengeance [EB Vengeance bug]
Earthbound Vengeance's field effect reduces the Hexer's momentum, if it hits someone who resists Darkness. Added to that, a Snake Dancer can dodge the damage if they are looking at the Hexer during their attack.

Can it's effect flag be changed so the damage behaves like Poison and Burn, I don't think this should happen in field effects, especially one created by an invocation.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
This also happens if you have a Brightray Bulwark or the Volcanic enchant versus people resistant to darkness or fire. Should riposte damage *really* penalize your momentum...?
That's why I've posted here as a bug, Snakers. 'Riposte Damage' (or let's call this 'Return Damage', to avoid confusion for the actual passive skill Riposte.) should not penalize momentum at all, else resisting a Lantern Bearer's Raging Flame would end in momentum loss. Or even resisting Poison, in a way. That's why I want this to be fixed.

'Return Damage' is caused by the attacker meeting the defender's special condition (be the attacker hitting someone with an armor of nails and receiving pierce damage, or someone deflecting light with crystal mirror). If the defender returns the damage, it's the attacker's fault for attacking in first place, and the defender should not be penalized if the attacker has resistances to the 'return damage', yes.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
As far as Earthbound is concerned, I changed the damage to function similar to status damage.

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