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Lantern Bearer Rework!
I believe that other classes (namely, Evoker and Magic Gunner) have the 'multiple elements' theme downpat and are much more effective at it than Lantern Bearer. Thus, LB has become one of the most sparingly used classes, seldom used outside of gimmick builds. I would like to change that. So, this is a rough idea of what I think that an modern version of LB might look like! If icons are needed, I can try and help make them! Criticism is appreciated! (Did I mention that these concepts/numbers are rough? Take them with a grain of salt!)

"dat boi" Wrote:Theme: Fire/Light
Bonuses: +1 Str, +1 Res, +2 Vit, +2 Fai
Move: 5

Tower of Embers!
Create a vortex of swirling flames around any enemies caught within your lantern's light, tearing at them with raw heat. It can also inflict Blind for 3 rounds on those enemies.

Rank 1: 30 FP, 70% Fire ATK, 70% Light ATK
Rank 2: 28 FP, 80% Fire ATK, 80% Light ATK
Rank 3: 26 FP, 90% Fire ATK, 90% Light ATK
Rank 4: 24 FP, 100% Fire ATK, 100% Light ATK
Rank 5: 22 FP, 110% Fire ATK, 110% Light ATK

Elementals burst forth from your lantern, invading the bodies of enemies standing within your lantern's light to wreck havoc! This spell saps X amount of focus (X = Eternal Flame Rank * 5) and has a chance to inflict Interference for 3 rounds on affected foes.

Rank 1: 45 FP, 120% Light ATK
Rank 2: 42 FP, 140% Light ATK
Rank 3: 39 FP, 160% Light ATK
Rank 4: 36 FP, 180% Light ATK
Rank 5: 33 FP, 200% Light ATK

A Lantern Bearer usually stands at the back of a battle, urging on their allies from behind. Those truly dedicated to a cause will take risks in order to obtain victory. Embue your comrades with elementals, triggering a (20% + Scaled FAI%) chance to divert certain ill omens that they're afflicted with to yourself and give them an immunity to being cursed for three turns. This increases the duration of said ill omens by one round.

[4M, 6 Round Cooldown]
Rank 1: 20 FP; Imagin's Despair, Noshika's Famine
Rank 2: 25 FP; Strangling Etacof, Fellel's Fumble
Rank 3: 30 FP; Hellflame Uorate, Crippling Muysig
Rank 4: 35 FP; Llunel's Decay, Frailty of Crewda
Rank 5: 40 FP; Menov's Fang, Plisfa's Masochism

Elementals are directed towards comrades basking in your lantern's light. Any comrades who have weapons equipped that possess a Fire Weapon Type will recieve Holy Rage for three rounds, which adds on damage in the form of Light Magic onto any basic attack made with such weapons. This bonus damage is equal to a % of the Lantern Bearer's Light ATK. If the weapon is a gun, the damage is divided equally amongst all rounds.

Rank 1: 16 FP, 20% Light ATK
Rank 2: 24 FP, 40% Light ATK
Rank 3: 30 FP, 60% Light ATK

March On!
A Lantern Bearer must light the way for those who come after them, marking the path to victory with a blazing fire. Sacrifice all of the elementals currently within your lantern and make it unusuable for the duration of this battle in exchange for restoring the FP of your comrades by 2x the % of health you are missing when this skill is used and applying the Infernal Journey buff to them for two rounds, which boosts their Critical Damage by a % of the Lantern Bearer's Fire ATK and Critical Chance by a % of the Lantern Bearer's Light ATK.

[6M, Eternal Flame deactivates and cannot be reactivated this fight]
Rank 1: 50 FP, 25% Fire/Light ATK
Rank 2: 58 FP, 50% Fire/Light ATK
Rank 3: 66 FP, 75% Fire/Light ATK
Rank 4: 74 FP, 100% Fire/Light ATK

Lantern Bearers are meant to inspire hope in others. Those within the illumination of your lantern are embued with more willpower and faith that remains unless they are not within your lantern's light at the end of a round or your lantern's light dies out.

Rank 1: 20 FP, +1 WIL/FAI
Rank 2: 15 FP, +3 WIL/FAI
Rank 3: 10 FP, +6 WIL/FAI
Rank 4: 5 FP, +12 WIL/FAI

Hollow Muse!
Warmth flows forth from your lantern like water, offering aid against the forces of the world that attempt to steal your comrades' warmth. This effect remains until they are not within your lantern's light at the end of a round or your lantern's light dies out.

Rank 1: 25 FP, +5% Ice/Darkness Resistance
Rank 2: 22 FP, +15% Ice/Darkness Resistance
Rank 3: 19 FP, +30% Ice/Darkness Resistance, cures Frostbite

By guiding one's elementals into the hearts of your comrades, you can spur the fires of their souls into roaring infernos! Increase an ally's Status Resistance by a % of your Fire ATK, which only vanishes if they stray too far from your lantern's light by the end of a round or your light dies.

Rank 1: 12 FP, 25% Fire ATK bonus +5 Scaled Strength
Rank 2: 14 FP, 50% Fire ATK bonus, +10 Scaled Strength
Rank 3: 20 FP, 100% Fire ATK bonus, +15 Scaled Strength

The True Light!
Inspire a comrade to believe in something greater than themselves--- or, atleast, to have more faith in their friends. Comrades within the glow of your lantern gain immunity to certain debuffs, which only ends if they aren't within your lantern's gaze at the end of a round or the lantern's light dies.

Rank 1: 35 FP, Fear
Rank 2: 34 FP, Interference
Rank 3: 33 FP, Silence
Rank 4: 32 FP, Burn
Rank 5: 31 FP, Poison

Eternal Flame!
A magical flame that resides in the lantern of the Lantern Bearer. It makes Lantern Bearer spells possible and draws upon both one's faith and the fires of one's very soul in order to manifest miracles. If Lantern Bearer is your Main Class, Eternal Flame is always active as long as it is equipped and boosts your FAI by a percentage of your WIL. If it is your Sub Class, you must activate this skill, it is active for only X rounds (where X is the rank), and you do not get a FAI bonus.

Rank 1: 18 FP, 5% WIL
Rank 2: 16 FP, 10% WIL
Rank 3: 14 FP, 15% WIL
Rank 4: 12 FP, 20% WIL
Rank 5: 10 FP, 30% WIL

Raging Flame!
A True Lantern Bearer doesn't flee from danger, embracing it instead. You gain +1% Status Infliction for every %1 of Health you're missing.

Rank 1: Learn skill
Rank 2: This skill does not take up a Skill Slot

At the end of a round, if you have not used Movement or Skip, you gain bonus resistance towards the last type of damage you took, equal to 50% of Scaled Willpower, that lasts for a single round.

Rank 1: Learn skill
Rank 2: This skill does not take up a Skill Slot

Searing Hatred!
You may invite more elementals to inhabit your lantern, causing enemies that find themselves basking in its' light more susceptible to the heat.

Rank 1: -5% Fire/Light Resistance
Rank 2: -10% Fire/Light Resistance
Rank 3: -15% Fire/Light Resistance

Hardened Resolve!
The elementals that inhabit lanterns ward against certain powers. Against those with Void Energy and Rage Energy (and as long as you don't indulge in either), you have a chance to inflict Burn Lvl X (5*Rank) if the round ends with them basking in your lantern's light and you recieve a bonus to Fire ATK based on Rank.

Rank 1: +2 Fire ATK
Rank 2: +4 Fire ATK
Rank 3: +6 Fire ATK
Rank 4: +10 Fire ATK

Warding Light!
A protection against magic that one's lantern leaks. Increases RES passively. If at max Rank, RES is further increased by +1.

Rank 1: +1 RES
Rank 2: +1 RES
Rank 3: +1 RES
Rank 4: +1 RES
Rank 5: +1 RES

The Lantern Bearer develops a better relationship with the elementals, allowing their lantern to project its' light further and increase the reach of all Lantern Bearer spells and bonus effects.

Rank 1: +1 Additional Range
Rank 2: +1 Additional Range
Rank 3: +1 Additional Range
"Take it for granted. I dare you."

[Image: 142v2wn.png]

[Image: 21b2ouq.png]
I oppose this idea vehemently

The only thing LB needs is a line based spell that uses the element of of the current lantern.

An invocation that uses the Element of the lantern (I'mma firin mah lazor)

more Gish support for spears.
While I agree with the 'uniqueness' and logic from holding a Lantern to produce light and fire damage. I disagree with the removal of the other flames. This would work if those powers were, instead, transferred to the right classes, such as:

Altera going to the hands of Hexers, as a buff to Eternal Darkness.
Rebia becoming a secondary effect to Gentle Torrent. (When the water sphere reaches the end, it explodes in Rebia.)
Golem getting transferred to Monk's Terra Strike as an AoE mystic punch to the ground to rip tiles apart.
Fenrir moved to Verglas, making it a mini-secondary effect of something getting hit by Crawling Spikes, a la Nachbeben.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
The whole gimmick of lantern bearer's offensive side is imbue spear with elements, giant aoe's of all elements, and a lame single target focus beam that should be a line based laser
Sure, if there are a few cool things with LB that people want to maintain, give them to other classes. Imbue Spear could be a Duelist skill, Evoker does giant AoE's of all elements better than the current LB does, and Focused Beam... if you really want to keep that, could just be a Mage skill.

I don't think that LB has enough going for it right now to justify leaving it the same.
"Take it for granted. I dare you."

[Image: 142v2wn.png]

[Image: 21b2ouq.png]
Honestly I feel that Elemental Aoe's is lantern bearer's gimmick and that Evoker stole it from them.

LB existed long before Evoker got it's invocations

LB had Altera Long before Hexer showed up

You want to rip LB apart and make a new class out of its core design, the lantern.

However LB has its merits, dev recently gave them Water/lightning aoe's ( the best in size in the game) Instead of Wrecking what exists why not fix its problems.

Hardlight and Bask inlight both are high SP sinks that try to do the same thing. Make one of thema single point investment Passive that requires being slotted and leave the other one a 5 point non slotted passive.

Raging flame Changed to a slotted passive that scales on elemental attack 2/4/6/8/10% unresistable scaled elemental attack

Warding light to give Will with Res to put it on par with other promo class stat passives.

The other skills have it right however.

Add some more offensive options

A line/ cone based laser ( of the current element)

An invocation that's basically a map wide super charged lantern spell.
Due to a few recent buffs and the new lantern flames, and especially gentle embers, I think that Lantern Bearer is pretty solid where it's at, a medium damage support mage with large AoE capacity.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
I wasn't going to post at first because frankly I had nothing to add to this thread, I don't like the ideas and I think Lantern Bearer right now is great. But this:

"Egil" Wrote:I don't think that LB has enough going for it right now to justify leaving it the same.

I think this is very wrong, Lantern Bearer has plenty going for it:

- Good damage in a large area with a large variety of elemental choice.
- Good healing in a large area that can revive.
- Provides bonus stats in a large area.
- Can apply debuffs/auxiliary effects in a large area, notably ones such as Blind, Silence and Interference.
- Can provide Elemental Resistance.
- Can provide Status Immunities.
- Curate Promotion means it has access to skills like Pray, Quickness, Rescue, Brighten, Graft, Mass and so on.

Now that's not to say it's perfect, here's what issues I think LB has.

- Lacks status infliction without sub-class Hexer backing it up.
- Focused Beam hitting a little too softly for the trade-off of AoE and bonus effects.
- Golem's effect being particuarly lacking, it could probably use a bonus interaction like how Typhur can knockdown Airborne enemies.
- Guiding Light being a painfully situational skill and thus forgotten entirely, especially now that you can Gentle Embers Altera for the Blind Immunity.
- Raging Flame being too weak after GR. 10 Damage is tiny nowadays.
- Eternal Flame is required, being a sub-class Lantern Bearer and having to manually active Eternal Flame is annoying since it's such a core feature of the class. I really think it should be made a passive where it's always active.
[Image: 95e2774f19.png]
I would say that Lantern Bearer needs, more than anything, a way to use all of its elements effectively. GR gutted multielement classes, as well as a few nerfs when their AoE was extremely powerful, so I could see a few quality-of-life changes being great for them.

>Allow them to use Light ATK as a replacement for their Elemental ATK. Maybe let them go 50/50 Light ATK + Element ATK of the aura used?
>Buff Salamander's Burn to 5 per rank.
>Buff Fenrir's Celsius to 3 round duration.
>Reduce the cost of Skyhigh by 8 per rank. There's no reason this should be more costly than Crystal Rose.
>Reduce Pheonix CD to 2 rounds. I.E. every other round.
>Remove distance range penalties completely.
>Buff Raging Flame to 15% Elemental ATK per rank.
>Buff Bask in Light to 5% Elemental Resistance per rank.
>Buff Imbue Strike to add +1 range to spear attacks, as well as change spear attacks to magical damage.
>Make Guiding Light give the target Blindness immunity for 2 rounds. Allow it to be affected by Farlight.
>Allow Focused Beam to inflict whatever ailment the aura would (Pheonix would inflict Glowing) for double the duration and level. Increase the scaling to 100% SWA + 140% Elemental Attack. Allow it to be affected by Farlight. Decrease the FP cost for all ranks by 5. Maybe allow Spears as a casting tool?
another issue is how bad lantern spells scale.
You need to invest in a lot of passives as an LB, Then your spells have bad scalings, and your pretty much required to full rank them for any use at all.

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