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Sheath sword quality of life
there are two quality of life additions I'd like to see for sheath sword

-It doesn't automatically end your turn if used with more than 3m.

Look people aren't dumb enough to attack you, this doesn't matter for pve, but for pvp it'd create synergy that is just begging to exist between Kensei and hexer with forced attack. Sayakensa sheath, akujin, and cursed katana's cry out in nonsynergistic pain.

-Can be used for less than 3m, but doesn't prepare a quick draw.
This would make hidden cuts actually worth being used when you consider how weak it is incomparison to just attacking.
I don't think any of these changes are necessary given the recent additions of katana potentials. Hidden cut was always fairly good in my opinion, but now it's even more so. Synergy is all well and good as along as you can do it without making things too powerful, which these kinds of changes would cause.
[Image: XVa5SaQ.png]
I agree with Grandpa.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
aside from the raijin potential, all other potentials are just elemental reswaps and a on kill effect, considering a dead target isn't going to proc a quick draw, and that elemental resist is a thing, I'd argue that these potentials while making sheath sword interesting, infact make it weaker.

Forced attack+sheath sword isn't even momentum efficent, its just an option that would allow an interestin reposition in conjuction with flottment.

3m sheaths word> 3m forced attack> gain 2m if crit via fluer, 3m left, cannot resheath due to repeat action


attack 1, insert other skill based/special attack, thats 2 chances to crit, to gain a third attack.

for straight damage my idea is behind, but it is useful for utility, and its got style.

now in my opinion its one or the other, my two ideas are just two ideas, they,d be imbalanced together, but either one would be a breath of variety.

I've been sheath swording for a good while now, long before the new elemental katanas. Sheath sword automatically ending your turn goes against the trope and vision of samurai quickdraw, sure it can be used reactionary but often in a movie or anime or manga the samurai will sheath their sword, attack, immediately re sheathe and continue doing this.
my real problem with sheathsword/quickdraw is that people still can attack you in the face in melee range without it triggering, with pretty much every Autohit skill. Scenarios like this aren´t cool.

"Samurai weeb sheathes sword and prepares for the coming sword strike of Donte to counter. "I will cut you before you tou-" CHASER! "O-okay, now you in my territory just lemme draw my swo-" Thousand stab! Rising tide! One more chaser! "...Damm my sword is stuck, no fair!"

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