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Mental Issues
Could Ill Will be an mental illness that becomes worse with time, like open wounds? I like the concept of having mental problems related to spirit, and would love to see it expanded a bit more. It's way better than just seeing those being tied to edgelords or whatever.

Ill Will:
-5% Willpower
You feel uneasy.
Uneasiness means that, once per a few minutes, the Player would see randomized 'spooky' emotes related to the people around them. (For example: Brown-Haired Boy seems to be looking strange at you.// You hear a quiet whisper... It's probably nothing.)

Upon Ill Will at 100%:
-10% Willpower
-10% Faith
You feel stalked.
Stalked would terrorize your character, basically. While suffering from Paranoia, the character receives a debuff that triples the effects of 'Fear' against you. The random emotes would become less on the 'uneasy' part to 'completely lunatic about being followed', such as, (for example: You hear footsteps... You better move out of here.// You feel a cold hand grasping on your shoulder...)

Upon Delusion at 100%:
-15% to All Stats
You feel like you lost it.
'You lost it', as in any Psychosis, makes you batshit insane at a cost. The 'Stalked' debuff is changed to 'Lunatic', it now grants Immunity to Fear/Hesitation/Charm, but in exchange, all damage you deal is reduced by 75%. In this state, your grasp at reality is fading, leaving you wide open to other illnesses.

And, while in Psychosis, this will cause random cases of Crippling Fever.

I expect it to become a risk, the whole tampering with spirits part. And Sigrogana Legends 2 could afford to become a bit more spookier, I guess. :V Yes, I know, it's unnecessary to implement all of those, and I suggest this one gets implemented in a day of free time, or maybe inspiration.

I couldn't think about anything else more simple or whatever, and added to that, those mental illnesses aren't mandatory to be directly related to combat, that's just an extra thought. Just the random emotes for flavor would make me satisfied.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
I very much like this idea. Since this is being suggested, I'll throw in some additional tack I'd like to hear some opinion on. Before that, I'd like to address one thing:
"Snake" Wrote:The 'Stalked' debuff is changed to 'Lunatic', it now grants Immunity to Fear/Hesitation/Charm, but in exchange, all damage you deal is reduced by 75%.
Since you're already getting -15% to all stats, I don't think the 75% decrease to damage output is necessary or even remotely interesting enough for anyone to do anything but complain about it. Hell, I would assume being at this point, your damage dealt would be increased while your damage reduction is decreased. Otherwise, it means anyone who takes this for roleplaying sake to 'lose it and go batshit insane' is suddenly pulling their punches by the extreme for... some reason? Rather than lashing out violently?

Actually, now that I've said that much, let me offer a revision to Psychosis that I think would make more sense, retaining the -15% All Stats.
'You lost it', as in any Psychosis, makes you batshit insane at a cost. The 'Stalked' debuff is changed to 'Lunatic', it now grants Immunity to Fear/Hesitation/Charm and increases all damage you deal by 15%, but in exchange, you've lost your sense of rational thought and act recklessly, reducing your Evade by half and increasing damage received by 25%. In this state, your grasp at reality is fading, leaving you wide open to other illnesses.
Those numbers are just ones I threw up. Obviously, tweak them as you see fit, but that's more along the lines of what I would expect from a character who'd completely lost their mind and gone 'batshit insane'.

At the same time, I kept the numbers more leaning toward receiving more for it than you're actually getting in damage output because I don't want to see it being something that nuke mages just grab to wipe people out in a few turns. After all, while I'd like there to be some merit to ever doing anything with the buff, it should be a liability more than a situational benefit, before anything else.


As for what I wanted to add:

If we're going to have this be a thing, can we increase the mental stamina required to treat it by- A lot? Nothing insane, but it should be comparable if not slightly more than the amount of mental stamina you have to dedicate to a prayer. You have to dedicate a lot of your mentality to overcoming your inner doubts, and from what I've seen, treating Ill Will is the equivalent to treating any other wound just without any items required: 1 Mental Stamina, which is basically nothing and wouldn't restrain anyone from preventing their Ill Will developing into anything Kunai just suggested.

Another thing would be to have Ill Will's generation be a little less random.

Have an invisible illness before Ill Will that develops at an incredibly slow rate, invisibly so it cannot be treated before becoming Ill Will, and have this rate of growth jump in tiny additional amounts from battles, spar or not. Defeats raise it a a significant amount, perhaps 5-10%, while spar defeats are much less significant but possibly still present in some form.

I think this would provide a nice amount of flavor, both for roleplaying and mechanical spice.

My idea behind adding this level of difficulty around getting rid of it is to make Ill Will be something that pops up at rare times and requires a significant amount of mental effort to move past, while having it be more frequent for those who live their lives in constant fighting and even more often for those who often fail.

Of course, the counter thing adds to server overhead, so I'm not pushing for it. Just a thought.
[Image: 43061579a09db588952b04fe4c658928.png]
I don't really want to make ill will such a complex thing because it's kind of hard to come across.
Well, like Nano said, some people could get creative with it and maybe we could have an option/verb to self-inflict any type of injures for RP purposes (or test). And Ill Will could be a more 'funny' sickness to have just by itself, for the sake of roleplaying a char who got in accidental contact with evil spirits. (Like I said, the part where random emotes would make your character feel haunted, and this is coming from Dragon Universe's LSD drug, but less extreme.)

But yeah, it's fine if that's not appealing for now.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
I like the idea, personally. Though this could all be roleplayed out ourselves, there being an actual in game cost to not trying to fix the illness is interesting too.
OOC Devourer Of Souls: it makes me feel like someone slipped me acid laced water
"Raigen.Convict" Wrote:I like the idea, personally. Though this could all be roleplayed out ourselves, there being an actual in game cost to not trying to fix the illness is interesting too.

This is my main issue with Ill Will as it is: the cost to fix it. It's the easiest thing to get rid of. Frankly, I still don't know what 'causes irritability' means because I never felt like suffering the other negative effect either, and it's 1 Mental Stamina with no risk of failure and no medical item required, without any investment into treatment.

On one hand, yay, you don't have to get debilitated over your character feeling blue without your decision for it, but on the other hand, it just makes Ill Will popping up more of a joke than anything close to any sort of obstacle. At least dealing with other wounds requires either stocking up on medical items or investing in the Treatment talent, and Ill Will's occurrence is so low that 1 Mental Stamina will be no loss.

A lot of people deal with their wounds IC when they get them. Ill Will is never brought up, because anyone who just wants to have their character be edgy for a day isn't going to want the second negative quality; they'll just do it.

Point being: Ill Will just feels like wasted potential both as a game mechanic and as anything to roleplay around, and it should be at least one of the two.
[Image: 43061579a09db588952b04fe4c658928.png]
"Neus" Wrote:I don't really want to make ill will such a complex thing because it's kind of hard to come across.

Really? I get Ill Will far more often than any other "injury." If it's meant to be uncommon, I think you did something wrong.
*loud burp*
You can get it by walking by soul masses you haven't detected, but that's it.

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