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Fleur Weakness
Currently if you hit someone as duellist with Fleur, with a critical but at the same time trigger an Elemental weakness you only gain 1 Bomus Momentum. This can be quite annoying when you are a fire build and try to farm black beasts cause you never get to use fleur.

I think Fleur/Critical should have priority over weakness.Given that Critical is chance based thing and elemental weakness pretty much triggers always when it triggers.
I think this won't be easy to implement due to how resistances are calculated. But eh, why not? I don't remember Weak and Critical Hit's momentum ups stacking.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
Without much knowledge of coding, but It´s simply a priority change I believe? currently it seems to check if a critical and weakness happens only for the weakness mementum gain, no matter how often you tirgger it.
So after the first time you gained one momentum from weakness, it will never come to the part were a critical momentum gain, which is a problem with elemental weapons.
I think resist actually behaves like you expect it to. Gain 2 from the crit, lose 1 from the resist=+1 in the end.

I still believe, given how hard it is nowadays to trigger a "Weakness!" that a +3M with fleur is deserved, but atleast hitting weakness not being a punishment would be nice.
Frankly, it's enough of an advantage to discover someone's weakness in PvP. It'd be pretty bad if you got even more momentum to use on top of that. Granted, I could see the desire in PvE.

Either way, with knowledge of coding, I can say this is just a matter of how the structure of the code works. It shouldn't be difficult to change this in either direction. I can't say with absolute certainty as I haven't seen the source.

Of course, I'm in favor of changing it to check for Fleur's momentum gain first rather than having both gains stack. I don't think I need to go into much of a spiel to explain why.
[Image: 43061579a09db588952b04fe4c658928.png]
As far as I can tell it doesn't behave this way. The bonus momentum from Fleur comes before the damage is applied.

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