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An Official Goodbye
So, uh-- not entirely sure on how to start this other than just saying it:

I think it's time for me to say that I'm finally putting my foot out there with, "I'm 'retiring' from SL2." I really haven't been interacting with the game or many people from it for a good while now and after Dev messaged me in regards to an age-long bug report to which the only thing I could reply with is, "Idk, I don't play anymore," which is kind of true - I felt like I needed to put this out there. I've lost my love for the game and can't really get back into it anymore. My mind wants to realize that a lot of people are going to gloss over this and I'm not really sure who is even around anymore but I figured this would be suitable-enough of a place to put my goodbyes to everyone still in the community and the people that have moved me in one way or another.

To Everyone (Specifically Chaos/Dev for clarity's sake)
Obviously I won't be playing on my main character (Saito Rolga'ri/A Crimson Lupine) anymore. For whatever it's worth, I've given story-rights over to his mate's PC if they're even still around (I sent it to them via PM and never got a response and from what I've heard they've gone inactive again). So I guess he'd still be an off-screen character or some such.

To Koonie
The way I feel like our friendship just kind of died without either of us really trying to figure out why or to talk it out is probably my biggest regret in playing SL2. I'm sorry. Probably too late, but I am.

To Fern
I love you buddy, I wish we could still talk as much as we used to. Real life has just been really busy lately. :/

To Poptart
You're one of the easiest people, to talk to, that I've met. I enjoyed that experience enough to remember it, really hope we can keep in touch (especially since we both do kind of play another game >:L).

To Dyst
I kind of feel like I wronged you in some way, whether it was a few out-of-place words or misdirected negativity. Either way, I'm sorry and hope the best for you dizpite the dystance. *banned for puns*

To Eugine's PC and Egil
You two were probably the highlight of any time I RP'd (barring one other). I honestly didn't expect Eugine to become one of my favorite characters but he did. I also enjoyed a lot of the one-on-one RP with Romek-- [strike]and the time he saw Saito get slapped TF out. B'D[/strike]

I'm really sorry that you had to distance yourself from the community Egil, try to message me sometime on Discord if I don't get to you first.

To Airide and the Vances
I'm sorry for dropping contact with the lot of you when I did. It was something I felt I needed to do at the time; I don't regret it but I wish there was a better way to have solved the issue I was having. :z I'm sorry.

To Miko
Also Known As:
Exxy Izzy

FUCK YOU, TOO! *runs away crying*

Jokes aside, do what you need to do. And be sure to take care of yourself; Mercala's a bitch and only lets her healing be used in-game.
*loud burp*
I don't think we ever spoke in any actual capacity or ever actually roleplayed aside from the touch-and-go stuff, but I don't recall ever having any issues with you around. Regardless, I really hope that you progress positively in life and that everything works out for you.
[Image: Y8FFQj7.jpg]
^Mercala's Favorite Apparently
[Image: To2mAPS.png](heh)
Thank you for last minute including me, but i'll be entirely honest, i'm not sure whom you play, I don't know many chars players really except obvious ones. But I wish you the best old friend. Have a good life, okay?
OOC Devourer Of Souls: it makes me feel like someone slipped me acid laced water
It's fine, Hope you have a nice life. Hopefully, I'll see you around Discord.

I'll admit don't know how you feel about me, cause I've always felt like I came off as annoying, but I told you before you should focus more on your real-life issues, as a whole, but that's besides the point.

Point is, I hope you do well in life, if you never need someone to talk to, you got my discord(I think)
[Image: jBTJOXi.png]
Friendship is but an eternal flame, boy. It only gets weaker but never poofs.

At least for me.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]

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