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The Bannister Household
Currently bannisters from the darkenwood furniture sales people are... iffy, at best, to look at.

They obviously look like they are attempting to do railing, however with just the three pieces given, it looks very incomplete. Unable to make a left turn going up (to make the railing for a porch. It just needs to be a friggin line with the same shading as the "Fashionable Fancy Banister End" going up.

THen you also need to have a reverse end for that, so that it curves up on the right side (instead of the left). The same issue happens with the Fashionable Banister End, wherein it only can ever really connect to "Fashionable Fancy Banister End" and the Fashionable Banister Center.. and literally nothing else. It looks awkward.

Are there other pieces to this set that I'm just not finding, or is it just incomplete?

[Image: gr0PNRK.png]
Why is this in bug reports? Also bannisters seem to look fine to me, you can rotate them.
[Image: 91bffce085.png]
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
Oh would you look at that.

Thanks Spoops.

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