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Mediocre by Intelligent Design
As with Humans, I've gathered Mechs aren't very well off and are very poorly defined. Best I could tell, Standard was supposed to be a close-up brawler, Cabal a caster, Agile a go-fast bot, and Raid a glass cannon. I'm not married to the idea of these being strictly in addition to other racials or as replacements. I expect them to end up, if anything, changed and added in with the existing racials making a gestalt.

Quote:Standard Type
+1 Battle Weight per 1 scaled Sanctity

Quote:Cabal Type
-1 FP cost to Spells per 10 scaled Sanctity

Quote:Agile Type (Can't make up my mind on this one since I lack the expertise to know which would be better)
+1 move per 14 scaled Sanctity
+1 Cel for the purposes of determining turn order per 4 scaled Sanctity

Quote:Raid Type
May equip weapons of Rarity of 1 + 1 per 9 scaled Sanctity regardless of classes or talents
Please don't lynch me, I'm too young!
As Spoops mentioned in the humanity topic, Mechs too have no patron and therefore no matter the change, it shouldn't have much to do with San.
Dullahans. Lich. Godless creatures with massive sanctity boons.
Please don't lynch me, I'm too young!
Dullahans aren't godless, and liches are all about magic, magic itself is practically a religion of the world, the one true doctrine.

also these abilities aren't what I'd want out of future mech racials/racial traits

Built in weapon.

your bare fists are replaced with /standard - arcane saber/ cabal- Arcane repository/ Agile- Finger buster/ raid- Rocket punch.
Okay, which god for Dullahan? As for magic=religion, sure some of it is boosted by gods, but how does that and the focus (literal) people put into it make it a religion? Need a god to make it legitimate, don't you?

What abilities would you like to see then, at least broadly? Or at the very least, why not these?
Please don't lynch me, I'm too young!
dullahans being a form of undeath likely stems from hugglord or some aspect of him.

Also for the abilities what I don't like about them is because BW is not an issue, ever, any standard mech was already a standard mech for str anyway.

cabal will have alot of fp and more fp is a boring racial.

Agile +1 move is broken in this new movement era. also the turn order thing is arbitrary. Still boring.

Raid type is also extremely boring, but someone would probably find a use for it.

In SL 1 mechs were removed from the hunger system, had +100 carry weight, lost 90% less exp on death, and had swanky mech only weapons.
Mechanations are made from the cores of magical trees. Their is likely some form of Godly connection there although that is of course up to Dev.
[Image: 1599085341408.gif]
The cores of magical trees from a forest that is so tainted that humans who wander in too far become Corrupted, and we certainly don't give Corrupted bonuses for Sanctity (unless you count removing their weaknesses, which I don't.)
[Image: 43061579a09db588952b04fe4c658928.png]
If people are going to throw a fit over Sanctity scaling, let's try Rendar's suggestion from the other thread: Level scaling. On the one hand, they get it for free, on the other, they still don't get special benefits for sanctity. That said they already get their racials for free.
Please don't lynch me, I'm too young!
I mean, I'm just pointing out why these arguments on why Sanctity totally makes sense for Human/Mechanation 'because Lich/Dullahan' are not very convincing.

That said, I don't even like these suggestions.
"Lolzytripd" Wrote:Also for the abilities what I don't like about them is because BW is not an issue, ever, any standard mech was already a standard mech for str anyway.

cabal will have alot of fp and more fp is a boring racial.

Agile +1 move is broken in this new movement era. also the turn order thing is arbitrary. Still boring.

Raid type is also extremely boring, but someone would probably find a use for it.

And I won't bother breaking them down, because Lolzy did a decent job of it.
[Image: 43061579a09db588952b04fe4c658928.png]

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