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Corvis Cannon
Currently, the Shadow Guardian's boss drop, Corvis Cannon is possibly the worst boss drop weapon in the game, for the reasons below:

1. The scaling is pretty wonky. It's 45% SKI/30% RES that even building for it, you won't reach, or if so barely, 90~100 Scaled Weapon Attack. (This with or without counting One-Hit Wonder from Magic Gunner.)

2. The effect is also pretty weak and situational. It's you dealing 25 Wind Damage if they're airborne, and asking for Wind Damage to give them the Airborne stat. This requires a very specific setup that in my opinion, isn't worth it, specially when Shotguns are single-shot guns.

3. Nothing really stops you from using a common Shotgun or Magical Nova in trade for this. They have better scaling and don't require a certain setup to deal more damage than Corvis Cannon.

4. Comparing to the other 10* Boss Drop weapons, they all have pretty decent-good scaling with amazing effects that requires a setup, but not as complex as Corvis Cannon. They stomp on this very easily.

In the end, this weapon is too much trouble for close to no reward. There's nothing good from this other than the base stats, which are minimal difference compared to the other two Shotguns in the game, so this thread is here to discuss possible changes to make this weapon required and viable.
Agreed that it needs some changes. I mean other boss drops are WAAAAY STRONGER. HoTg is a knockback + Knockdown with STR buffs. Anchor Edge is an Axe with very good range + Pulls and Immobilizes (Which is pretty strong tbh). Moonlight gets to give you extra crit damage on anything, which is brutal on some stuff.

CC is way weaker compared to it. Is there any chance to give it another effect and switch the former two to... dunno... Make the Feather effect apply on crit and then an on-hit effect that deals 1+UL extra Wind damage? Like that you won't need much to actually use the setup the weapon was made for. One crit would be enough to put them airborne.
It's better if the UL flat damage is changed to (UL*3)% Wind ATK.

It's a flipping shotgun, it should do massive damage after a proper setup. And also use a shotgun's sound effect while we're at it.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
I wouldn't be against buffing this weapon, the 25 Wind damage was slightly more relevant when HP values were lower pre-GR.
I'm not sure about making it UL*3% Wind ATK. Sure, it's way better than what we have right now, but it doesn't solve the problems of the weapon that I stated above, just part of the 2nd point.
The way gun damage is easily tanked and no longer flat ignores defense should probably raise the flag that this and other wonky guns like ryeser and forth rower should get their scaling adjusted
I don't think making the gun 'play itself' is a good idea. I'd rather make the payoff for getting it setup higher.
Just make sure to set the damage worth for the hard setup, it can (and should, imo) be nuke-worth and if any problem arises, we can just balance-fu it down to an agreeable level.

I never see Corvis Cannon being used, so a higher damage for a proper setup might make it more interesting.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
It's just that the gun doesn't have much reward for doing said setup, but an increase in the damage to add to the burst that is Shotguns should suffice.
How this damage will be increased and with what method is up to you, however.
1. Increase scaling to 50%/50% ~ 60%/60%.

2. If the opponent has feathers and is airborne, (basic attack) damage gets a +((UL+1)*2)% bonus, which then removes feathers & airborne.
[Image: a2794117f3.png]
[12:53:15 AM] Chaos: don't hit dyst
[12:53:18 AM] Chaos: that's cruelty to animals
[12:53:20 AM] Chaos: you have to shoot it
[12:53:20 AM] Dystopia: ye

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